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With the new Faire Magazine (http://www.fairemagazine.com) taking off faster and with more steam behind it that we had at the beginning of The Pyrates Way, I'm afraid that I'll be forced to put more of my efforts into the new magazine sooner than expected.

This means I've had to cut back on several of the pyrate faires/festivals that we planned on visiting during the third quarter of the year. Several big ideas for next year have been put on hold and the biggest personal upset is that I've resigned from the board of directors of PyrateCon2009.

The Pyrates Way will still support PyrateCon in any way possible, but I just can't devote the amount of time required and it wouldn't be fair to those who cherish the event so much, if I couldn't put in 100%. Another concern was in the economy of the U.S. . . . if gas prices continue to rise, the attendance at the 'con will fall and those that do attend, won't have the leftover $$ to spend nor will they be able to fly their booty back home due to the extra baggage costs on every airline.

On the Upside, as announced in the Summer Issue of The Pyrates Way, (on press now), The Pyrates Way song contest has begun. Pyrate bands must come up with either a new piece of music (preferred) or a take on a popular song that includes the words "The Pyrates Way" somewhere inside of the lyrics. These songs must be professionally recorded and the mp3 file sent to us by October 31, 2008. The winning songs will be included in the Winter Pyrates Way as the subscriber booty (free in every subscriber's issue).

Another announcement that we're excited about is that the booty in every Pyrates Way issue to come will include two Pyrate Trading Cards! We're creating eight different cards for each issue, so there's no telling which cards you'll get! (64 in all by the time we're done). There will only be 1,000 of each card produced.

So as in life. . .we have our ups and downs! Keep your powder dry, says I!


Black Fox,

Don't look at it like you're giving up something; look at it like your "treasure chest" is so heavy that you're going to have to be take out some of the swag so you can get the rest back to the ship! "Drop them silver bars so's we can handle the gold coin!"

Congratulations on the success, me hearty!


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."


I hopes we still see yer smilin' visage :ph34r: once in a while here on the East coast, mate.

But all in all, one must make hay, before the deep water runs still, or some such saying. They are somewhat good problems to have, in general.

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

I hopes we still see yer smilin' visage :ph34r: once in a while here on the East coast, mate.

But all in all, one must make hay, before the deep water runs still, or some such saying. They are somewhat good problems to have, in general.

Aye mate. . .'tis true enough.

. . I think the other bands shall have a run for their money in trying their hand at writing a Pyrates Way song. The song ye have been working on is a true gem!

Can't wait to hear the finished product!

from Black Fox

This means I've had to cut back on several of the pyrate faires/festivals that we planned on visiting during the third quarter of the year. Several big ideas for next year have been put on hold and the biggest personal upset is that I've resigned from the board of directors of PyrateCon2009.

That is a shame.

<a href="http://www.pyratedaze.com/"><img src="http://www.pyratedaze.com/images/pyratedaze125.jpg" width="125" height="125" border="0" alt="Visit PyrateDaze.com!"></a>


ahoy fox,

just perused yer other site. have to say i'm not much for ren faires, but i certainly wish you well and keep up the good work.


Faire Magazine. . .written for YOU

On Renaissance Festival . com, there's been some flack going around that Renaissance Magazine isn't what it used to be. . . . especially when one out of every six issues is designated for weddings.

So I got that itchy artsy/publishing feeling again. Then a few R/F folks pushed me. Then a few more, who enjoy what I've done in the pirate community with <a href="http://www.pyratesway.com>The Pyrates Way magazine</a> and would enjoy a similar magazine for "Rennies."

Hmmmmmmmmm I wondered if a full color magazine with amazing features about different faires including prices, types of food and drink, and detailed info on where to stay in the area, what to expect, etc. . . be a good idea? What if it included a part just for serious reenactors. . . and a vendor's area. . .and a garb-making area. . . and a feature on some interesting faire artists that you might not know about? If it all came in a nice package every quarter for less than $6 an issue. . .would you people be interested?

So now there's a choice for your magazine dollar. You can chose a black-and-white magazine produced on conventional paper and includes a lot of articles which boost their advertisers but leave readers wanting more faire-oriented material (which was the magazine's original promise). . . or would you rather have a thick magazine of grand photography that brings far-away festivals into your home to share with kin and counsel?

Personally, I think there's room for both. This idea might piss off both my CPA and my wife, who counts on me to at least bring <i>something</i> home in funds for this idea. . . . but 'tis true. I'll subscribe to both magazines, so I can get all the information. That's the truth of it. . . I can provide a lot in our magazine and they can provide other material.

So here's the deal. . . check us out at: <a href="http://www.fairemagazine.com">Faire Magazine</a> and see if you like the idea. It's a magazine about Renaissance Faires. . .not just the Renaissance. It's a way to give those involved in Renaissance Festivals, whether owner, entertainer, actor, vendor, playtron or paytron. . . a voice. Our goal is to share these festivals and faires with those who might never (*insert cost of gas here) get the chance to visit.

Subscribers are important but Advertisers pay the bills. If you have a business that's been less-than-profitable this season due to the down-attendance/gas/travel costs. . then this is a way to reach those that would love to see what you have to offer.

C'mon and join us. . . it's all about faire . . . so it's all about us.

(xposted everywhere)


Here's an article for you... Seems the dunderhead that runs the Washington Fantasy Faire Festival leased property for the event without checking into the state regulations about chopping trees and the need of permits.

So, not Washington (State) festival next month... and, says the owner, perhaps never.


-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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