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I was trying to find a brand of rum and stumbled across this...and wow a Rum Tasting event is coming and you can apply...would'nt that be just grand for a bunch o pyrates?

Ministry of Rum

One of the articles:

The Tradition of Rum and the Sea

You just can't beat sharing a rum drink with friends on a boat at the end of another perfect day in the tropics. Add the excitement and anticipation of the elusive green flash when the sun dips below the western horizon and you'll experience one of the great pleasures of life on the water. This scene doesn't end, however, when our brightest star is gone from sight. It continues to be played out westward around the globe as sailors salute the setting sun, rum glass in hand. For centuries, the close of day has been reverently acknowledged by sailors, but how rum came to be part of the choreography of this event is more than a coincidence........(continues check website)

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



That is a great site indeed! I found ministryofrum.com about 3 years ago. The site is owned by Ed Hamilton, a rum afficionado who lives on a sailboat somewhere in the Virgin Islands....I wish I could live a life like that. I have posted on their forum a long time ago. I picked up an issue of Caribbean Magazine a while ago and it featured an article about Ed Hamilton, and his top reccomendations, though I can't find the article. Though I seem to recall him mentioning things like Havana Club, which for obvious reasons, thanks to president JFK, we can't get in the states.





...see ye'all later, been nice know'n ye! :rolleyes:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

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