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Belmont Shores Pirate Fest...

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Indeed... Bigger.

In fact I am leaving now to stow m'gear and get me to the White Shores.

Hope to see some of you mates! :angry:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




Another fine weekend o' pilage'n 'n plunder'n it twas!!

'n guess who made it in th' local news rag?!:

The Press-Telegram


Nay! Naught th' buxom read-head in th' photo; READ th' article mates, READ th' article...th' last six lines ye must read!

geesh, don't bloody pirates read th' articles no more, 'er do they just buy them fer th' pictures o' wenches??

That be right, it be about th' infamous Capt'n Grey Dog 'n the Alliance of the Double Cross it be!!


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Good meeting ye Lady Alyx.. I enjoyed your company.. Ifen I had met ya at a Ren Faire and naughwt a responcibility I would had to offer up the rum to you and yours...

Whewww WWWEEEEEEEEEE what a tyme we had thar... Madl near gots picked up at the yard house.. And Jacky Tar was a suprise,Wish we had a bit more tyme to hang out..

Iron Bess was walkin one way And Eye the other on several Occasions...

I thought the venue was gonna be a bit larger in scope however Eye still had a great tyme.. The Local paper did a good job in writing the article..A good laugh fer alot of us..Ole' Grey Dog may never live this one down..


Most carbuncles are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the body or other people.

A carbuncle is made up of several skin boils.

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


Aye Eyes, me visit was brief an un-announced. It was fun watchin' ye swear in a few young pirates, though.

T' their credit, the Double Cross crew had captured the end o' the pier, an had the fire power t' keep it.

The Pirates of Port Royal had staked out the beach, an were givin' away treasures (balloon swords an all things shiny) t' young scalawags.

Scarlett Harlot could be found walkin' the board walk, an breakin' hearts.

The Doxie Chicks, an our own Iron Bess (Port of New Providence) were performin' in the Pirates of Port Royal encampment, too!

I would only voice one complaint, an that was the shortage o' free parkin'; the free parkin' went fast, an the nearby parkin' required the coin o' the realm, an nowhere t' plunder said coin (which sent this pirate packin' early).


now Oderlesseye mate, why did ye ha'e t' go 'n tell them that for? I was out number'd I was, at least ten to one, 'n they was big, nay Huge they be, had me surrounded from all sides....'n yet I still escaped with all me coin in purse!


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Firedancers...I missed those~!!!!!

It was very nice to meet Ody and his Lady at the Firing end o the Pier... :ph34r: Yes next time we will drop some rum. We had some and slipped it in a coke... :ph34r:

It was also nice to meet MadL as well.

It's nice to finally meet folks you yak at and now can place a face to the words.

I don't know if we missed most of the event, but I thought it would have double the vendors and food booths as well. Oh well, was there an after party at the clubhouse? I saw three piratey gals heading that way around 6:00 when we where leaving.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



Fire dancers?? I missed them too :ph34r: but I saw a pirate holly man try 'n convert Scarlott Harlott to Christianity!

Don't know about any party afterward, me feet were beat!!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


At last! I finally got me photos sort'd out I ha'e!

Laid out in story board format e'en, with captions 'n tags e'en!

They can be found at: Mad L's Space on MySpace

just go t' th' set titled "LB Pier Daze 2008"

'er if ye ha'e naught any 'Space' access then ye can still go t' th' ChumBuck..'er, PhotoBucket 'n click upon th' album o' th' same name ye can, right here: Mad L' ChumbBucket Photos



...now t' start sort'n through th' videos :lol:

(gotta see Scratchy try'n t' save Scarlett Harlott's feminine virtue!!!)


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

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