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I was looking up Mystic Seaport the other day. I got to wondering if any of you ever went there? How was the whole experience? From what is says it look like the perfect museum. We have been talking about what we would like to see in a pirate fair. This is what I mostly had in mind, just add sailors/pirates. Of course those sailors/pirates would have to know what they were all about. Just wondering what the rest of you all think?

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


Funny you posted this, I am headed there in about 2 hours! It will be my second trip there, and we love it. We became members in January and we had a great time. It was 35 degrees and empty. I was yelled at my the school teacher and the black smith and a museum guide talked our ear off since it was empty when we were last there. We sent about an hour with the museum guide talking about ships and living on them. It was pretty cool. Many of the ships and activities were closed due to that whole winter thing.

We have never been there on a warm day- and it look like it is fixing to pour this afternoon- so we'll see how Mystic is in the rain.

Upcoming events at Mystic folks from here may enjoy (or may enjoy attending in pyrate wear..)

Sea Music Festival June 13-15 (co-insides w/ the Sayville, NY Pirate festival- though choice for us)

Wooden Boat Show June 27-29

Antique & Classic Boat Rendezvous July 26-27

Tales of Conquest and Colonization October 2-16

For more events

click here

So I guess that answers the question on how we feel about it.

Additionally, we talked about how amazing it would be to have a festival here aside from the time period being a little later and all- it would still be LOADS of fun.

"It is more like I am transitioning from a pirate hobby to the pirate lifestyle"- me



We have been members of Mystic Seaport on and off for quite a number of years. Back when gas was not so bad, it made a nice day trip, (if you think of a three hour drive there and a three hour drive back home, a day trip! :ph34r: ) But it was nice to get to soak up the sounds and smells of an old time seaport. Also seeing ships and boats that are made of wood rather than aluminium or fiberglass takes one back to the old days. I enjoy it just to 'soak' in the atmosphere. By the way there are a lot of other museums all along the coast, (and worldwide), some small, some big, where similar experiences can be enjoyed. see The Mother of All Maritime Links from "John's Nautical Links List" One year, my family and I hit four different Maritime Museums along the coast of New England USA, it was a nice trip.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I

(if you think of a three hour drive there and a three hour drive back home, a day trip!  )

Two of those three hours is spent on the 20 mile stretch between Stamford and New Haven. :ph34r: It's been that way for 20 years. Sadly, though, I was a college student at University of Bridgeport o so long ago, and I used to wander beyond the edge of the campus, and there was the HMS Rose in all it's glory . . Now I understand it is in California or Washington these days.

Thanks for the links, tho.

Two of those three hours is spent on the 20 mile stretch between Stamford and New Haven.  It's been that way for 20 years

Yeah, bin there done that, but unfortunately with 160 miles between me and there, that stretch made it more like 4 hours, if we didn't leave early enough in the morning, or didn't wait around until late enough at night to head back. With 95 and with most roads here in NJ, it is all a matter of timing :ph34r:

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I


i went with grace and my dad last fall. had a ball. all i can say is don't let security catch ya playing in the playgroud if you dont have kids. they get cranky. we just wanted to play on the tug boat.


I have been a member of Mystic Seaport before I wa born! Just kidding the Huntington has had a membership since before I was bonr. Some years ago I called to claim an issue of]The Log of Mystic Seaport (now ceased publication). The lady I talked to got my name and addressed the issue to me. Ever since then my name has appeared on the membeship card. Nothing I've done seems to make them remove it.

So when one year we got a guest membership card under my name I lent it to some friends who were going to visit. One is a tall ship captain the other a pirate historian (both are in PRP). They asked if there was anything they could get me anything and I said nothing in particular but if they saw something they think I'd like to get it.

Well they went to the Skull & Crossbones Pub in Mystic and bought me this


The Pub's motto is "Strong Ales and Loose Women" Great huh! They said the Pub was great too. So when you go to Mystic, CT check out the Skull & Crossbones Pub. It's pirate friendly and pirate approved. :P


The place sounds great. I really like to plan a trip now more than ever. thx

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


I might pass through there this memorial day weekend, I'm headed to rhode island. Hopefully sunday weather will be cooperative.


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