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Last Sunday we had a great day of sailing. We went beyond the Golden Gate Bridge and out to sea along the coastline as far as Bolinas and then headed about 10 miles out to sea before coming back in.

There were dolphins everywhere, both gray and black, leaping out of the water alongside the Royaliste. We had the unusual experience of winds carrying us northward along the coastline and a following sea pushing us from behind.

The waves were large, about 8 to 10 feet, lifting the Royaliste high up into the air and sending us on an all-day rollercoaster ride that rivaled the best air-time on The Big Dipper, our local rollercoaster at the Boardwalk.

This was NOT the best day for me to try sailing without the aid of Dranimine, but all the stores were closed at 8am on Sunday morning sooooooooo... out I went, and about half way out, I had to turn the helm over to Saber and lose my breakfast over the side. Not just once, but I was deathly sea sick the whooooooooooole time! Not to say that I didn't have fun none the less! I loved the rollers, even sick as a sea dawg!!

Finally, I was so out of it that I actually fell asleep on my knees in the gun port, so I stood up to try to stay awake and feel asleep on my feet! At that point Saber sent me below and I slept until I felt us pull into the harbor and came topside to help. I got a rousing cheer from everyone on board as I staggered out!!! :lol:

The Royaliste is now fully stocked with both Dranamine and Alkaseltzer and I'm rarin' to go for the next sail!!! :ph34r:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



A seasick pirate.... :ph34r: is not a pretty sight.

Glad you're better and well prepared for the next sea voyage.

Captain of The Perdition

"Storm" chaser

I actually fell asleep on my knees in the gun port

Was wonderin' why you were in that gun port fer so long.

So lets see....hmmm....doughnuts for Saber and Dramamine for Quill...got it! :ph34r:

~ Jack Bartholemew


There are two kinds of pirates at sea,

Those who have been seasick and those who will be. Huzzah!, you just joined the former.

P.S. Bonine works much better and doesn't cause drowsiness. :)



Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.


Actually I've used Bonine many times and for me, it works well for most situations like buses and cars, but not for the really rough stuff, such as carnaval rides and the like. And this was definitely along the line of an all-day carnaval ride! I get the less-drowsy version of Dramamine and that seems to do the trick. I've got the Royaliste medicine locker stocked with it now, LOL

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Ok, now I don't feel so bad! Gee, someone who can do green as well as me!

Ya gotta wonder 'bout them sailors in waves like that or even bigger like storms --feeding the fishes, and then havin' it wash back on deck all o'er ye!

LOL! <Bad brain - bad brain>


**Forget the yo ho ho, just gimme the Dramamine** :P


Well, besides pills, today ye'd be needin' a few straps and lashings!!..It's as ruff as I've seen, with high tides and the storm outta the South....The whole Ship's a rockin' today!..Too bad I returned the camera, woulda been a good 'do you get seasick?' video!!!....RRRRR!!..Aye jus' luv it!!!!.

*The storm took the bowline outta the tire on the seawall, so, off in the dink I went!!..Jeesh!!..Wotta ride!..At one point , I'd be higher than the taffrails on the poop-deck, then lower than the double RR's!!...Really wild at Pelican's End today!!...



Given how I get motion-sickness from EVERYthing, including water beds if I move around too much, I am glad to hear that I needed feel bad if/when I toss my cookies over the side of the ship on future sailing voyages. I intend to _get_ on sailling vessels sometime in the near future -- and I know that when I do, it'll either be Dramamine or Death By Sea-Sickness.

However, this makes me feel much less alone! :)

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

As someone who has fed the fish more than once (including 30 feet down while diving), I'd like to know has anyone tried the scopalamine patch? Does it work?


Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Be sounnin likken the Royaliste be hav'n a rite wild ride teday!

Her's 'opin ye fairs well wiffen it all. :ph34r:

Nev'r been seasick meself but knows o' a few who hav'.... lousey feel'in it be so's imma told.


First yer afraid yer gonna die, then yer afraid yer not!!!

Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



"YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHOOOOO!!!!....*Hangs ten from the tip 'o the jibboom, slides back to the bits, jumps, and heads for the cabin after adding four more docklines to the seawall*.....

"Ahh, 30 tons 'o surfboard, nuttin' like it!!.....(looks around for kewl sunglasses, ne'ermind the rain)... :ph34r:



Can't say I've ever been seasick. Been on the aircraft carrier Enterprise. Most of those that were with me took the pills. Some couldn't look out the the big doorway they had open while we were cruisin'. It was a bit rough that day too, standin' on the deck watching the horizon appear and disappear. Twas an experience. :)

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

*The storm took the bowline outta the tire on the seawall, so, off in the dink I went!!..Jeesh!!..Wotta ride!..At one point , I'd be higher than the taffrails on the poop-deck, then lower than the double RR's!!...Really wild at Pelican's End today!!...


Whoo...I was wonderin' how you were faring yesterday, as I watched the wind bend the trees nearly double outside me office window.

Yup...t'was about as bad as I imagined.

Glad yer doing all right!

Can't say I've ever been seasick.

Lucky you, if you've not been seasick! I've not very often, but frankly, I've not been OUT very often. Got pretty green goin' across the Straits of Gibraltar from Algeciras to Tangiers, Morocco, though. Didn't lose me lunch, but had to avoid the puddles from other folk.

Oddly, the most miserable I ever was, I was doing a SHORE dive in Monterey, and getting sick doin' me surface swim out to our dive site from the shore. I finally insisted on submerging shy of the dive point, in the hopes of getting below the waves. That usually fixes things. But no. T'was a washing machine down there. Had to grab hold of outcrops while the surge swept in toward shore, then let go as it went out. Ye'd pop forward thirty feet or so, and then grab ahold again.

I was so miserable I called the dive and we went to the aquarium instead. Was sad, too, because it was a gorgeous site and great visability.

Dramamine is my friend.

  • 2 weeks later...

Captain Jack just sent me some video captures from during this sail... no, he didn't take any o' me pukin' me guts up, LOL but thar be plenty o' finer sights !!

This large red sail made for some of the sweetest sailing you can imagine


A black dolphin leaping from the sea along side the Royaliste


The setting sun from the deck of the ship


Captain Gary takes down one of the sails


Two of the SF skyline at night as the ship comes into the bay at last...



-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


A black dolphin leaping from the sea along side the Royaliste


Arrr, judgin' by the stubby dorsal fin and the snub-nose on yer dolphin, I think ye got yerself a harbor porpoise! Good luck, they are! :)

WONDERFUL photos!!!!!!! Just makes me more excited to see the world beyond the Golden Gate!

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