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About a year and a half ago I wanted to fashion myself a belly box, but thanks to my natural inclination to do little or nothing I still haven't made one. In the thread I started then asking for advice I was told that a cartridge box was found on the Whydah. Does anyone have any pictures of it or any idea of where I can find out more info about it?

I'm inclined to buy one but the earliest I can find is the 1750s:

The Quartermaster General

Pepe's Possibles

C & D Jarnagin Company

I really like the idea of making a fabric one like was found on the Whydah though. Every time I look at period pictures of the famous captains I see their boxes and I wants one.


You might want to PM BlackJohn regarding it. I know he has a slew of amazing pictures of the Whydah salvage items....either that, or he knows where to get them.



Be there a picture some where of this Whydah cartridge box?

G Gedney Godwin has quite the selection of cartridge boxes.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Be there a picture some where of this Whydah cartridge box?

willie wobble posted to the right thread. There is a picture on page 2 of the thread, about 1/3 the way down the page.

As it turns out, I've received a PM from someone making repros in the near future so I think I'm going to buy one from him. Sloth wins over industry yet again. :rolleyes:

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