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Aye!..We're making ready for this year's sailing season, and once again I'm hunting one or two able bodied seamen for the 200+ mile trip to Hampton....then who knows? Physically fit, some sea legs, a bit of sailing experience, relatively clean, no vegetarians,little baggage, able to get along with non internet crew, converse intelligently to the public, not thin-skinned....step on up, mates, chances like this are few and far between....



You know if I wasn't married with two wonderful kids I would join you in less than a heartbeat.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


I'm married with two kids and I'm still considering taking up that call to the sea.

Can you PM me with what's to be expected, etc? Also, I have another matter I'd like to converse with ye about in private.


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

Aye,mates..I've two kids and grandkids I 'm responsible for,but....anyway, the Hampton voyage is 200 miles up the ICW, thru rivers, creeks, large sounds, and manmade cuts...usually a four day trip for us; it depends heavily on docking in fast currents, and a few locations where we drop the hook ( we carry a few 100 lb. anchors). The req's are basically what was listed; fit enough to jump to docks, throw lines, belay the lines around piles to stop the ship, and basic seamanship otherwise...I am running short for a lot of the summer, so someone interested could, in theory, do the entire season's voyage, but that isn't expected..Other than that, show up at the wharf in Beaufort, and I cover room and board. Personal trinkets, non basic snack items,etc. are on the sailors themselves.....MacNamara; feel free to email me or call. The info is in various parts of the 'Privateer!' website...(I have a horrid internet connection at present, so I avoid pm's



I'll be in Bermuda working on some shipwrecks, too bad!

(did I actually just say "too bad" about being in Bermuda?!)

Best of luck, I'll try to put the word out 'round these parts, but most people I know that fit the criteria are going to be gone.


"Can You Sail Under a Pyrate...., "

Now, now m'dear.... there are pleanty of things one can do under a Pirate ;)

(Hug) Hi sweetie, long time no see! ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Ah, me favorite woman with an edge!...Hey Sweetie, it's been a while..too long,eh?....Yep, 'e be spot on, there be plenty 'o things to do when it comes right down to the nitty gritty...Hope all's well with 'e and the pup!.....



....Avast, mates..I'll be puttin' this 'ere line on a pin and belayin' it for a spell, as several scallaywags from Blackbeard's Crew arte sailin' with the regular's upstream to Hampton Roads..I'll fly it again once we're headin' to sea, and the Hudson River....be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon...



Aye... My Lady is a bit leery o' me shippin' out to sea w'out her. Though it definately IS something I wish to do one day. :ph34r: I mean sail aboard, not ship out w'out her... that may 'ave come out wrong. :ph34r:


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

Aye, Blackjohn, 'tis a hard feeling to abandon, altho' your coast is tough, as you can see Atlantic City from space!....Perhaps we'll hafta be sendin' out the pressgang for 'e soon......



Royaliste, did I see your beautiful vessel on a canadian TV show about the history of the great lakes, reenacting a raid on Ontario during the War of 1812?

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


Aye, mate. I didn't see whatever the program was, but Royaliste has done features for both the US and Canadian History Channels. She's attacked Ontario in many places, and landed the governor in Ottawa.

We were asked to do a film on the Battle of the Plains of Abraham this year, but they never responded once we fired them a price..Go figure. everyone wants us to sail forever, and show up for free. Yeah, right.......Pirate!....This could be the last year she's seen by the general public, as I'm considering coming out of retirement to erect the new San Francisco/ Oakland Bay Bridge at the request of my Ironworkers local. I love my retirement, but the economy is getting scary..



Royaliste, I am curious how you follow an itinerary, and knowing how you anticipate arrival dates at any given port. How does one in your situation know if you could arrive in some place like Norfolk in 2 days or 20 days?


Well matey, many things fall into an 'itinerary'..distance, speed, time,and weather. On top of that you factor in festival requirements, obstacles, and a little leeway. Present example; Hampton Roads for the Festival...We'll take the ICW, which isn't basically navigable at night for sailing vessels. So, distance=200+ miles. Speed=average 4-5 knots, whether under sail or motorsailing, or motoring. Average daytime travel=50-70 miles..3-4 days so far. Now, add bridge openings and closings, and it takes up the fourth day...After that, well off to sea, where regardless of everything but gales, we make 120 miles or so a day, round the clock....If natural forces don't interfere to the negative...same three or four days to NYC and the Hudson. Then it becomes a matter of running with tides, as the tide runs all the way to Albany, 144 miles north. So, even four months out, I give a tentative date, withing a few day window, to the crane guy in Albany to know when we'll be there to unstep the rig, and head into the canal system to reach Lake Erie....

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright me Bucko's..all gaskets are off, nuthin' harbor furled, and there be a favorable wind, so..less than sixty hours until we set sail for the upper East Coast and Great Lakes....Summer 2008, here we come!...Aye!


  • 2 weeks later...

After a tuff haul up the Chesapeake, and 'down' Delaware Bay, we're 30 nm outside NYC,so..if'n ye be up tonight, keep an eye on the Hudson, and we'll be sailin' thru.....Aye!


  • 5 months later...

Avast, ya scallywags..an update of sorts....We've been extremely busy on non pyrate related life issues,so...Royaliste was hauled out on the NEw York side of Lake Champlain for the winter. My first jaunt ashore in over six years. This economy is brutal, so as of now we're looking towards a conservative(for us) sailing season around New York, Lakes Erie and Ontario, and of course the canals and most likely the Hudson.. We may be looking for one or two crew for the summer, but we really haven't mapped our upcoming year out..Keep the faith, mates...........


Captain, is this the only place that you advertise for crew. I have been trying to keep up with you on the Royaliste website but not with too much luck.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.

Captain, is this the only place that you advertise for crew. I have been trying to keep up with you on the Royaliste website but not with too much luck.

Actually, we on occaision place ads in ASTA's Billet Bank, and sometimes on the Tales of the Seven Seas forum, but we quit using our own site, as we were hacked last year, and ever since there seems to be little interest or visits. All of that said, our days of taking on a dozen sailtraining trainees are over, so when we are short, I just troll a line in a few places and see if we get any bites or not..

  • 4 weeks later...

Tis sad t' hear, Royaliste.

Has it been somewhat successful?

Wish I could do this, but not sure if I can. Heck, I have a cat.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


As I've said before...you head up to the Alaskan waters, and you've got yourself a pilot. Trained in tall ships, black powder, and the inside passage.


She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail


  • 3 weeks later...

Seems as tho' winter is keepin' me offline due to weather, but I figured I'd put up an update of sorts....'Coastie', We'll cross longitudes sooner or later..No plans on the West Coast again, looks like the Northern coast for a while....Royaliste is under tarps with snow at present....

Lady B..Capn' Kat and I are a bit north of you in N.E. South Dakota..Blizzarding at present, deep snow,etc...I've been in the garage off and on making new ship parts, belaying pins, structural knees, deadeyes, bullseyes, etc....Lookin' forward to spring already.(tore the heck out of my 4X4 transfer case).....buggar!

  • 2 months later...

Avast me hearty's!! Seems like two 'new' crew members for the ROYALISTE, says I!!.....The parrots LaFitte and Rose, our ship's parrots, have given birth to two wonderful baby Ecclectus parrots!!... At time of writing, they are 7 days and 10 days old, respectively, and doing fine at this stage. Ecclectus parrots are probably the only parrot species that a person can tell sex without a vet visit, as the males and females are colored differently. We'll know at around five weeks of age...So, good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise, (we're hidin' out from the cold in Arizona), we'll have two gorgeous Ecclectus for sale in a few months..Or, four parrots aboards ship....ROYALISTE is still under ice and snow in Plattsburgh, NY...Summer looks like a trip around NY waters; canals, Great Lakes,etc..Fall possibly south to Virginia for the winter next year, if'n eye kin afford it.....

Avast me hearty's!! Seems like two 'new' crew members for the ROYALISTE, says I!!.....The parrots LaFitte and Rose, our ship's parrots, have given birth to two wonderful baby Ecclectus parrots!!... At time of writing, they are 7 days and 10 days old, respectively, and doing fine at this stage. Ecclectus parrots are probably the only parrot species that a person can tell sex without a vet visit, as the males and females are colored differently. We'll know at around five weeks of age...So, good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise, (we're hidin' out from the cold in Arizona), we'll have two gorgeous Ecclectus for sale in a few months..Or, four parrots aboards ship....ROYALISTE is still under ice and snow in Plattsburgh, NY...Summer looks like a trip around NY waters; canals, Great Lakes,etc..Fall possibly south to Virginia for the winter next year, if'n eye kin afford it.....

Congratulation on the new crew members!


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