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PIP '07 DVD Music Request

William Brand

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Amanjiria has recently gone to great lengths to put together a great DVD of the Pirates in Paradise festival. Hours of filming and editing were contributed to make a fantastic record from last year and a promotion for this year and years to come. I approached a friend with a celtic band who agreed to let us use music from three different albums for tracks on the DVD. He was more than happy to let us use them, believing that other members of the band and former members would not mind us using them for this purpose.

However...we've run aground. Some of the band members have decided that they do not want us to use the tracks, or in some cases, argued how we should give credit and it has turned into a greater mess than we ever expected.

So...to make a long story short, we are forced to use new music and re-edit portions of the DVD. The packaging is all finished and the filming and editing is all complete, but we have to re-edit for new music and we are requesting music from the masses here on the pub.

We are specifically looking for as much acoustic instrumental music as we can find. Music with vocals would be appreciated as well, but we need more instrumentals if we can get them. If we use your original recordings, we will credit to you and your bands for the music in the credits on the DVD. The DVD is very important as a promotional tool and a keepsake for all of the hard working pirates at PIP, so please help us complete this great project. I know we have a lot of talented people here on the Pub and we would love to showcase your work on this project.

Feel free to ask questions here or contact us privately.





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Greetings William,

The Bone Island Buccaneers would gladly allow the use of our music on the DVD for PIP 2007. We will need to discuss it and provide a "release" so please let us know if you are interested and whatever song(s) you want to use.

However, all of our songs are with vocals. As well, I will speak with our Shantyman and see if he would be interested in providing an instrumental of a tune or allow someone to record and instrucmental of one of the current songs. I will come back again soon and reply. Contact Spike at spikekeywest@yahoo.com

Fair Winds and Full Holds,

Captain Bloody Spike Pierce

Bone Island Buccaneers.

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Thank you, Spike. We would love to feature some of your music on the DVD. You can contact me by PM once you have discussed the matter.

Also, a special thanks to Iron Bess and her fellow crew members for the CD they sent over. I received the Pirates of New Providence CD and I've already listened to the whole thing and made a note of some of the tracks I would like to use. Jack will have the final say as he places the music to scenes on the DVD, so we'll let you know which of the songs we will be using when we reach that point. Thank you very much for allowing us to use the music to advertise the festival. The mutual showcasing of your music and our experience will make a great promotion for future festivals at PIP.





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