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Ahoy there,'ye'scallywags and general seadogs!....This be a good subtitle to this summer's event schedule, and I'll be gettin' to that momentarily...

End of May and first 'o June will find us invadin' the fine settlement of Hampton, VA. for the Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival once again, with a few extra twists this year.....Off we'll be sailin' to New York and the Hudson River, with a few stops, including Kingston, NY before downrigging the ship and heading westward on the Erie Canal..Then it looks like Oswego and Rochester, NY for restepping and a few events....The last week of June will see us in Port Huron, MI, and..the first meet up with a SECOND privateer! This summer, some friends, including a former Royaliste Captain, will launch a double ended pink schooner, era 1750's, by the name of La Revenante, a French / Indian War era privateer of some reknown...We will be putting on some fights and battles the likes of which I believe haven't been seen in the reenactor community. The skipper and I are of like minds, we fix our own ships and repairs and such, so many of the insurance barriers to battles and yes, boardings, won't exsist. After Port Huron, we'll both head to Sandusky, Ohio, ( not in ink yet) for the Fourth of July celebration of Tallships. Then it'll be off for a War of 1812 reenactment in Penetang, on Georgian Bay, for 'school of the sailor', with several other vessels, for the Canadian Navy. At this point we'll hopefully fill in a weekend or two before we head to Alexandria Bay, NY for the 'Bill Johnston's Pirate Days' festival as we promised last year.....Methinks we'll head back to Oswego, back down the canal, and then off to the Chesapeake for a HUMONGUS War of 1812 reenactment in mid September around St. Leonard, MD....If you can make any of these events, we stand by our guarantee of more piratical fun per customer....Aye!


ROYALISTE All o'er the Map for '08...Would We 'ave it Any Other Way?....Bloomin' Bloody 'eck, No!!!


A friend of mine is in some way involved in the naval contingent for the 1812 Grand Muster at St Leonards. Considering the size of the event, and the fact that it is only about an hour and a half drive, I really should think about getting involved in some way. Heheh... and thinking about it... my old scout master captains an 1812 infantry group... I could hook myself up with them as milita, or with the navy guys as random oarsman.

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Besides the reenactment, I think the organizers are trying for some dockside or daysail stuff, too..Sounds like a great event, so we'll really be looking forward to it....Especially after being a 'canal boat' for the week or so before the event!..Give us a holler if you get the opportunity,eh?



great news gary,

sounds like a packed summer for you. were looking forward to seeing you again at blackbeard fest.

if you find yourself mid chesapeake bay and in need of anything, the folks are on the piankitank, just up from fishing bay, with deep water dock and electric. we may only have one grocery store in town but we got a liquor store and TWO West Marines!!!!



Best of luck in those brineless seas. Wish I could get down there and help out, but alas I'm stuck in Alaska for the time being (oh darn!).

Coastie :lol:

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail



Hmm...This'll be the first time we're gonna try to explore some of the Chesapeake, as we usually just storm on thru, trying to make NYC...we'll talkaboutit at the Blackbeard festival,eh?....

Coastie..yup, there ain't no salt, nor whales 'n dolphins in them 'Lakes, but the fish are tasty, and the people friendly, or izit the other way around??..anyhoo, it loks like we'll be visitin' those lakes thru 2010 (the next ASTA Challenge on the Great Lakes)...



Avast!..Fresh dispatches arrived on the packet....June 20..Toronto!....July 11, Toledo,Ohio....August first, Port Colborne, Ontario..nothing as good feeling as some more villages to shell, raid, and plunder!..we'll be sittin' pretty low in the water from alla the swag,eh wot?


ROYALISTE Raiding two Nations; Privateering 101..........


I know this might be alittle off topic but was the Royalist ever in puget sound area in the early 80s. I'm still wondering what ship I saw anchored on the west side of Blake island one time when I was out fishing


Thats why I asked, she was about the same size and configuration as the Royalist. From what I can remember and that was a long time ago is she had bright colored trim and railings much like the Lady Washington.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ahoy, ya scallywags!...It be time for a few additions to this 'ere schedule, as my March 4 post was 'wishful thinking', and this mostly be in ink now....It's lookin' like we'll be sailin' to Toronto around June 20,then after the fouth of July in Sandusky, it looks like Toledo around July 11, and the fine town of Port Colborne the first of August..We may be making a few unannounced raids in New York State after Bill Johnston's Pirate Days in Alexandria Bay. Privateer Royaliste will be both east and west on the Erie Canal this year, so those of you along the way, feel free to stop by for a visit and mebbee a tattoo, even with the masts down and alla the spars on deck!


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