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I have been informed that my "tight" pants are just not piratey enough. I need some baggier pants to tuck into my huge belled boots.

Can anyone help a mate with this? I can't do "the pirate without pants" now can I?


Well I am sure the ladies wouldn't mind for a bit, but the sailors would detest it..he he he! Anywho's..I made a pair recently for me beau...believe it or not I took a simple pattern for harem pants and made them from that EXTREMELY simple pattern. I made gathers for the waist and for legs so they can be tied right below the knee (he wears simple shoes and no socks)...but since you are going to tuck them in you don't need to do the gathering hem there or the cord, just a simple hem even if you want it. Here is one website with instructions there are many out there to choose from. But as you can see they look pretty darn similiar to slops. Just use a heavier material more condusive to pyratin' :lol:


~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



Thanks lass, but I be a bit to old fer that kinda talk.....besides, me goodwife would soundly pound me wi' her skillet were I to even think of doing regimental w'out a kilt! :lol:


That's right lass...cut right ta the heart o' the matter. I have been looking high and low ta purchase 'em. I might just be able to darn me socks, but to use one o' them blamed machines is way beyond me. I be just a simple man.

So if anyone can make some that don't cost an arm an a leg, let me know.


Welp, Mr McDrago... aye, granted th' regimental would be rather .... exposing and bold. The kilt as a pirate would be interesting that's fo' sure.

But ye fancy breeches.... aye, Reconstructing History is one place to go. Depends upon how exact to period you want.

Otherwise, here are some Sutlers I recommend highly:

Jas.Townsend & Sons

Search under the men's clothing for breeches, slops and more.

G. Gedney Godwin

Both 17th and 18th c items.

Smiling Fox Forge

Smoke and Fire

Ghost Forge

Great selection of attire, well made, fine fabrics.

I've a few other sutlers on my favorites but they don't cater to breeches, slops or any sort of pants.

If you are wanting fabric for period pants, check out Wm Booth Draper. Paul & Hazel Dickfoss are seasoned reenactors and have searched far and wide to find and pass along to the reenactor authentic fabrics of the 18th c.

Otherwise, if you know someone who can obtain a good historical clothing book and sews well.... Simplicity, McCalls and Butterick patterns are going on sale within the next couple weeks at local Hancock Fabrics stores. Easy to convert these patterns to period correct or not. Your choice on whatever look you want.

Hope this helps in some manner.

Good luck.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Sent a PM to mcdrago about making him some pants for him, haven't heard back.

But if anyone else is interested and willing to supply material, I'll sew them up for you for $45.00 (if you're not a big guy) or $65.00 for larger sizes includes shipping.

I can do either a set waist or elastic (elastic will give more breathing room).

PM me if you're interested.

Course if you want me to purchase material for your outfit it will cost more.

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