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24th Annual Adephi Mill Pirates Feast


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Ahoy shipmates, just curious if any of you are planning to attend the 24th (at least, I believe this is 24... though it might be 23) edition of the Adelphi Mill Pirate Feast, here on the outskirts of Washington, DC? If so, make yerself known and I'll share some rum with ye.


And, if anyone is interested in going, but doesn't have a ticket, I may have a spare that I'd be willing to part with.

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uhhh, where might this be? and what part of the year does it take place in.

A search led me to many pictures but precious little information.

One set of pictures seemed to suggest that it was a weekly thing.

Looked good, nice historical looking location, but I be somewhat lost on where to chart a course.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I

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Doh! My apologies... that would be Saturday, February 2nd. It's a once a year thing. Usually the last Saturday in January or the first in February. Tickets sold out back in September, but I may have a spare.

The mill's website wherein you can find the exact address:


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  • 4 weeks later...

My shipmate Honest Jock Matlow posted his pics. Here's yours truly, who donned his fluffy hat for the occasion.


All sorts of characters can be found at the Pirate Feast, and many more can be seen here:


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Yes, he is prolific. As anyone on the Pirate Brethren mail list knows, "Honest Jock" attends every sea chanty sing in the area, and posts his pics to the list religiously.

He told me a neat story. Pointing to one of the millstones on the floor of the mill he said, "somewhere under all of those layers of paint are my initials, carved there when I came here on a school field trip in the sixth grade."

It's interesting to think that, when he carved those initials long ago, he had no idea he'd been standing there dressed as a pirate telling that story.

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