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  Black Dog said:
One more thing - visiting pirates - please feel free to bring down the family pet - we need to have something to test our new spit out with. I don't care - dog or cat - maybe even a hampster to two.

I'll ship her down early!

Honestly though I never wanted a dog and now I have this dog that needs more space and more attention that I have to give her. A friend called and said that if I didn't take her they would have to have her put down (won't go into the details) She loves some people hates kids and teens and most other dogs. I know she could be retrained by someone with more time. Great watch dog for someone who does not live on a main street. How does one go about finding a new home for a pet? Anyone who knows PM me.

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  Cheeky Actress said:
  Black Dog said:
One more thing - visiting pirates - please feel free to bring down the family pet - we need to have something to test our new spit out with.  I don't care - dog or cat - maybe even a hampster to two....

Well Blackdog...if you're gonna serve dog...I perfer Terrier...not so stringy like Schnauzer!

Allo Cheeky

Prefer chocolate lab meself -

hehe - hope peta is listening - they have no sense of humor


You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.


woo hoo, almost done with all the planning. for those in camp on thursday night.. there will be something going on :) and for the rest of the weekend-cookie and the rest of the galley crew are plotting and concocting. as an added bonus- kevin duffus, author of The Last Days of Black Beard, is rteported to be stopping by for a visit.

everyone doing ok on the planning?


:huh::huh: Planning for what?? :huh::huh:


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




.......Ducks under mainbrace, skinny's past mizzen forstay, tucks around tops'l brace, an' leaps down main companionway......" Great god's 'o Neptune, she's a blowin' out thar!".....Flippin' Bloody Bloomin' damned wind's got us pinned to the wharf preety dangled -good, methinks!....Well, maytees, this 'ere blow's hinderin' RR foreward progress aboard ship, wot with the gale 'n all, so..nuttin' busticated, just a stay or two loose, an' a lotta paint not gettin' spread on the hull for the trip north, much less the topmast riggin' we ain't finished yet,but....fear not, the wind'll subside enough for the jacks to make 'er ready for the sail upstream to Hampton Roads thereabouts..We'll get 'er all sanded, painted, and oiled up with boatsauce enough to put to sea..Anything we miss, we'll make up under sail as we head north....Still figurin' on makin' headway aroun d the 26th, with a few 'o Blackbeards Crew comin' along for the adventure on the way up..(and this 'ere skinny water on the ICW be a challengin' enough adventure even for today's pirates)..If'n things go well, we'll be in port by Thursday, otherwise, we'll hope for Friday, eh?...be a keepin' a weather eye out toward's Norfolk, there'll be plenty 'o pirates in them waters soon!.....


ROYALISTE Pullin' on Her Springlines.....


royaliste, glad to hear you're makin out ok down there with a bit of breeze. now if we could get it blowing north in time for ya. hey be easy on our crew we need 'em for the weekend. they are only on loan!!!!


Let's see....our ladies sewing, stitching, and weaving....

Making and taking note,....

sewing, drinking, laughing...ya, we're getting there!

Member of "The Forsaken"



regarding that copy you asked for over in the In your garb thread... aye, I shall make you one...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Captain Sterling....

Regarding the 'props' of Lilly/Diver/Bess....package will be sent out within the next week.

Please look for a custom built corrugated box just like the last time for the tobacco...(GRIN)...

The Guys in Design and CADD love me!


Member of "The Forsaken"


Right then will keep an eye out for it.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




oh tobacco,

capn' we have some leaf coming but not sure how much. if it ends up not being much well get more later in the season and i'll run it up to you.


Brilliant! Thank you... Sorry couldn't make the Yorktown event to sit down and discuss business... In laws showed up for the weekend... :lol:

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




just posted this over in the pictures thread. how about a pub photo shoot at the festival. i think about a dozen and half will be there. saturday night between the dinner and fireworks or sunday morning.


always a good idea to have photo-ops whether it be of pub members or just event pics .....the more pictures i feel the greater the future interest it can create for these events ....as is said a picture is worth a thousand words :P;);)

Say "SAIL HO!!!"


folks i just learned on another thread a pirate could not attend and let their room go. if this happens with anyone else, please contact me and i'll see about getting someone in it. the hotel is full with the next closest five miles away.


hotels within 5 miles that you would not mind leaving your grandmother in

radisson (sits in the festival grounds)


holiday inn, hampton hotel & convention center


embassy suites



Newport News parks

1-757-888-3333 (tis a real number, i checked)

OK, just got an update on the raddison/ harborside hotel what ever its called this week. as its under new management, they are redoing rooms. they have a set number for us that apparently are filled. the rest of the hotel is filled as well. they are still working on rooms- so some more are expected to be added. all i can say is call and see what you can get. callinesh, if this does not work and your crew ends up at one of the outlaying hotels, pm me or call pete about parking arrangements.


Aye Dutch -

ye be fergetting the cheapy park I told ya about a while back. I did a copy/paste here with the info.

***** :D

Shhhh - tis a secret,

For anyone who is attending the Fest, pyrate or not - Gosnold Park is a great small campground - but only if you have a trailer, rv, or popup. Gosnold Park is about 3-4 miles from the fest. I stayed there 2 fests ago. Very nice - clean - cheap @ $10 bucks a night. The only draw back - no tents allowed. OK - well - there are 2 draw backs - they don't take reservations - its first come first serve and for trailers / rv's only. There were still over 2/3's of the camp empty when I was there.



Now Dutch - tell ol' Cookie about this room - its at the RAD??


You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.


ah- is gosnald newport news or private. forgot about that one.

as to my accomodations. less you want to take on a wench with a REALLY BIG pan stay to your side of the camp. The taj mahal should be up and we have our block over by the colisuem... figure that one out. of course you can always pull watch on the explorer for me. the benches have just been linseeded and we're using the old sweeps that spring. they make a nice rack.

By the way, if anyone is up for a total pyrating submersion adventure, the following weekend a group of us will be rowing/sailing a schallope 17 miles (as the gull flies) to tangier for the weekend to celebrate the 400th annaversary of john smiths landing. some of the more hearty are going with the clothes on our backs and whats in our sacks just to say we did it. (party like its 1718) we will be leaving thursday and returning sunday if anyone is interested in bending an oar.



Gosnold is run by Hampton as part of their parks and rec stuff. The 2 drawbacks to the park are its trailers of RV's only and there are no reservations. The bath house and laundrey were nice. It was a nice cheap place to stay - very quite. It is only 3-4 miles from Mill Point Park - about 15 minutes or less.


You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.


We created a large Pyracy Pub flag at PIP this year for group photos. Our intent in creating it was, and still is, to send it to festivals about the country for group photos. The flag is signed at each location with the names of those who are featured in the photo. We'll see that it is shipped to a caretaker during the festival. That caretaker will then add the names and send it on to the next location.






if no one has been tapped for that position yet. i would be honored to hoist the colors- or- i'll be happy to receive it at this end and hand it off to whom ever upon their arrival if needed.


Captain Sterling has already agreed to be the custodian of the flag at this event, but thank you for the offer. It will no doubt pass through many hands over the next few years and I look forward to seeing it fly behind a great many friends here at the Pub. My thanks again to the Callahans for buying the materials and helping me build it.






why you would trust a crew of pyrate hunters and corrupt politicians is beyond me. :rolleyes: no problems, we'll get a few good shots and have it ready for the next appearance. thanks for sending it up to us.

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