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Missed the last one.. lookin' forward ta the next one.. already got me stash started fer expenses.. any date set yet?


We(a couple of us swedes...) are actually thinking about showing up there...

What to think about? What to bring along? What not to bring along? What to see? What not to see?


extunatin reasonin kept me from fully bein dere last time dere capt'in but I'll be dere dis time I been thinkin dere. be doin da independant thin dere. thougt I had et worked out dere wit Captin Grace dere, guess not eh?


Ahoy Booga,

From past experience bring lots of black powder and plenty of rum. The last weekend is the biggest for plunderen, pillagen, and endulging in rum festivities. Argh..tis a wonderous time. Plenty of cabin boys for every one.

  Captain Luigi said:
Ahoy Booga,

From past experience bring lots of black powder and plenty of rum.

I have to bring the rum!??! All the way from europe?!!??

I thought that was the part of the world where it is made ;)

And for the gunpowder... I don´t know what the airlines will think of me if I bring explosives on the plane ;)

  Booga said:
  Captain Luigi said:
Ahoy Booga,

From past experience bring lots of black powder and plenty of rum.

I have to bring the rum!??! All the way from europe?!!??

I thought that was the part of the world where it is made B)

And for the gunpowder... I don´t know what the airlines will think of me if I bring explosives on the plane B)

Actually Jamaica is one of the best places for buying rum. I got a huge bottle of Appleton's rum for J$300 (before you panick -- divide that by $42 Jamaican dollars per US dollar). That's just a little over $7. I saw the same bottle stateside for over $30. And I got some wonderful Coconut Rum for $450 Jamaican -- if I remember correctly.

Prices in Key West won't be so good, but you'll certainly be able to find rum.

As for gunpowder -- yes -- the airlines do frown on that. Just slightly. Usually we find you can arrange with one of the locals who are coming to the event via land (or water, but not air) to bring extra powder for you and you can reimburse them.

You should still be able to bring weapons, even flintlocks, on the airlines. We have travelled four times now to pirate events since things have tightened down after 911. But it was still the same policy for our weapons on Delta Airlines. Just put the guns in a hardsided, locked box (remember -- no ammo, or powder). When you check in at the counter, let the airlines representative know about the weapons. We had to fill in an orange tag, open the box, affix the tag to the weapons, and lock the box again. We also put all swords, manacles, and other possibly suspicious hardware in the same box, just so we didn't panick the baggage inspectors. And if for some reason the box wasn't allowed to come, at least it wouldn't hold up our bags with costumes (we would just then be weaponless).

Call your particular airlines to double check on their policies.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"I'd rather be training cabin boys."

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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  • 3 weeks later...

B) I know a number of PRP members are planning on being there this year. Unfortuatly, I can't. Can't afford the plane trip or a week of partying. Oh well, when I win the lottery....


**By the time you make ends meet, the ends have been moved**


Well, me Mateys,

What I wouldn't give to be there in person. It sounds like a good time will be had by all, but I'm sorry to say that the Festival takes place during vacation Blackout for me and my Mate. Otherwise, I would be there with my black powder, chocolate rum balls for all, and stories of riches beyond your wildest imaginations...Raise your glass to me!

Katey O'T :(:ph34r:


Sorry, Katey. You're a sweetie. If'n I was rich, I would take ye and Capt. Flint with me. However, I am not, so I MIGHT get to scrape up enough doubloons and go meself. Might jest get hitched while I'm in town, too.

Like me photograph?



Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


I believe that Capt'n Finbar is in Grand Cayman right now and will be back around the 1st of June. He will probably respond to yer email then.

Animal :P

Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Please don't tell me yer thinkin bout gettin hicthed there!!! I did it two years ago on ship with Capt. Finbar and my life has only gone downhill since (well, not really). But seriously, The good Captain gave a right good sendoff into the hell that I call MATRI"MOAN"Y. It definetly made it something to remember (Tried to forget it. No luck as of yet.). No matter what Luigi has to say about my wife. The best part is you can be married in character if'n ya wish and as long as the paperworks right, it's just as legal and binding (Tried to get out that way too!!)




Spitfire and I are set to sail aboard the WOLF to renew our vows after 10 years of wedded piratical bliss. Got married at Treasure Island we did! And what could be more proper than renewing with Captain Finbar and friends. We're currently auditioning for Next Best Man and Next Best Woman to stand up for us (or pass out for us if it's a very good day).


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

ARRRGH! Even if I can get them off deck, how do I get the deck guns on the plane?Any one with a current email on Compass Rose? They claim they haven't a sister ship,but, I'll happily give her a broadside from a hull laid before her in a different life. the Royaliste/ ex Wandrian II, an accurately rigged 18th century replica privateer :ph34r:


'Ello one and all!

I just wanted to tell ye all that me 'n' Ol' Sea Bob are plannin' to get hitched at the festival. No real date set yet. Just whenever Miss Julie and Capt. Finabar can squeeze us in. That's right. No frills, no cake, no photographer.

And Cap'n Luigi, I expects to sees ye there! After all, I ain't forgot that yer supposed to buy me that drink! (Be afraid. Be very afraid.)

QuarterMasterBates, I think those pictures are lovely. Hope you and yer wench are happy, and late congrats on your nuptials. I'm sure the wedding was better than being engaged. After all, who likes a word with "gag" in the center?

Later, my fellow plunderers!


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

  • 5 weeks later...

Hmmm, I don't know....

Oy, Capt'n Luigi, ye think it might have somethin' ta do with the water 'round that bit o' land? Or possibly the Banana Winds that be blowing outta the tripics that inspires such 'reckless' behavior?


But I'll be liftin' me full tankard to all those who sign their Articles o' Marriage, as well as them that renew their pleges! HUZZAH!

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