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*Arrgh! Ye Pirate Ship for Sale Matey*


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Arrgh, she was built by me own blood, sweat and tears matey. No, kit involved here. Almost every part of her from the mast to the bowsprit was hewn and carved by me own dirty paws. But alass I find de original designs from Richard Kolin's manuscript. Thank ya for the kind words, she is a mighty fine example and has served me well pilfering, and plundering the lakeside villages.

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Arrgh, she was built by me own blood, sweat and tears matey. No, kit involved here

In that case, I take back what I said. The details you put in are quite impressive, if I may say so, especially the mastcastle. FYI, some of hte photos aren't loading up on my screen, maybe it's my computer.

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Nice website - especially liked the "work in progress" page. I'm really impressed that you simply took a class and figured out how to do this all on your own!

Ah arrrrr literate pirate but ah still like me sum purty pitchurs.

And that little rowboat is just the cutest thing on the seven seas. Great work!

Avast, ye scurvy dog!

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Yaaarrgh!...Competition, eh?...We'll be listin' our pyrate ship for sale in the next year or so; whenever I'm not quite so busy with the ship herself.....We've some great years ahead of us, as the pirate business goes, but sometime in me sixties, I'll be havin' a hard time workin' the 'top, so it'll be time to place her with some younger stewards than us....Really cannot fathom that thought right now, but facts are facts, and the future always seems to arrive, regardless....So, as for the thread, good luck on the sellin', it is a good time to be afflicted with piracy...


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Outta curiosity (and maybe to prevent a deluge of tire kickers) what price range would we be talking about?

Or just how big o' lottery do we need to win?



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