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Glad to be back and welcome to all newcomers AHOY!


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Hey guys, i don't know if ye remember me the pirate (wannabee B) ) chick from the Netherlands but I'm back!

I've missed this place but my health is so crappy this year i can't be at the pc much but..hey..who could stay away here?

Instead of going over twenty new posts I'll just say welcome to all i didn't reply to, nice meetin' ye.

I'm a Dutchie pirate minded lass who's adicted to Captain Barbossa B)

I love tallships old and new and love to visit sail events but unfortunitely no sailing for me, the money lacks but i still enjoy a good pirate movie, history or fiction book or anything involving sailing ships.

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:::Runs up to her, pounces upon her; hugs galore!:::

Ye've been well missed, m'dear. It's been far too silent 'round the vast internet sea. Clobbered moreso by these new youngin's to Barbossa. B) They have little respect for those of us who have adored Barbossa since the beginning... openly.

Anyways... :::hugs::: hope yo'r health 'll get better soon. Prayers that it will.

Don't be a stranger too long, m'dear. :)

:::whips out a couple barrels of rum::: B)

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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*Gives everyone a huge hug* I've missed you all here.

It's been quite a year and it's hard to sit behind the pc when you're not feeling well but like I've said often, this place is my pirate home on the cyberseas and I'll always sail back into port :lol:

Here's a little somethin' for y'all ^_^


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