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I'm just so awed ... and proud

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For those of you who are getting your latest issue of The Pyrate's Way, on page 28, you will see a familiar visage - surrounded by her crew. Blackfox was gracious enough to publish an article about myself and my crew and he did a bloody wonderful job with the graphic logo that he created for the article.

Blackfox, everyone of the Kiss' LOVES the logo - it's absolutely wonderful. And thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for being willing to highlight folks such as ourselves. When our paths cross, I am buying you a round!

Fair Winds


Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


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ahem.... a copy of said pic would be wonderful!

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Emerald Congratulations! :lol::lol:

Sounds wonderful!

and I'll second Merry's question

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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Well ladies, if I knew how to post photos into my post, I would gladly share the photos that got published. And with Blackfox's permission, I'd scan in the article's front page so you all could see the graphic he created.

Anyone want to walk me through the process in plain English rather than techno bable? Be kind, I'm a itty, bitty techno baby. :lol:


Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


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Just read the article in Pyrate's Way (which I received yesterday) and what a nice way to get yourselves out to the public.

I for one would have liked to know more about the shows you put on and what they actually consist of.

Not sure I'll ever make it to Oklahoma, but if I do, you'll be the first one I contact to see!


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Indeed it is Rumba - and for me, as the owner, it is a great way to brag about the ladies that work for me. They are *the* most amazingly talented and funny ladies I have ever had the pleasure of working with .. and call my friends. :)

Due to space constraints, Black Fox had to reduce the amount of text I had written on the article - one only has so much room to put in articles and such (and I like to write! :unsure: )

We have a vast number of shows to fit all audiences. We have 6 children's shows collectively entitled "Pyrate Tales" in which we take reocrded female pirates/privateers from history (600 BC - 1603), compress their life story into a 15 minute show. The narrator tells the tale while two other actresses silently act out the show, replete with silly facial expressions and body motions - all without the narrator "knowing it." (Gotta have comedy in there somewhere, else kiddos would find history boring!)

Our typical shows are our "Nautical Fairy Tales." The majority of which carry our self imposed PG-13 rating due to the double entendre contained within them.

These shows are: 'Zuliella,' 'Topnunzel,' 'Emerald's New Hat,' 'Diamond & the Pea,' 'Pirate Little (pg-g),' 'Garnet & the 3 Barbarians,' and 'Sapphire & the Golden Mop.' We have several more in the works as we like to debut at least two new shows at the beginning of each faire season. This summer, we created a PG-R show for a Smoker type event; 'This is Your Pirate Life.'

If things go well, we'll be debuting our first ever Christmas show next month if a planned fundraiser for a faire can be pulled off. In 'How the Salty Kiss Saved Yuletide,' folks will get to meet 'Pirate Claus.' This is our only show in which any of us sing - which is usually not allowed at our faire events as there are plenty of singing pirate groups on the circuit - there isn't a need for another one.

If the Nautical Fairy Tales shows sound familiar it could have everything to do with the source of our inspiration - The Brothers Grimm (and other Folk Tale artists from around the world). And the strange show titles come from the actresses character names (Diamond, Emerald, Garnet, etc). Each tale revolves around a facet of the character (Emerald's love of hats).

Our original show, 'Pyrate Boot Camp,' is very near and dear my heart (and not just because I wrote it!) but because it does contain our Veteran's Salute (something that is sorely lacking in most everything done today). The model for this show is the military's boot camp - replete with enough humor to make it totally unsafe to be drinking or eating at this show! I come from a military family and was scrambling for show ideas and fell upon my own wish to go off and join the Army. So, what better way to get people in the 'pirate mood' than to drag a couple of unsuspecting gents up on stage and turn them into the newest crewmates?

All of our shows are written to include (and sometimes revolve) around patrons on stage with us. It can make it a bit difficult to perform if the patrons are scarce. Unlike music groups who have an automatic draw by fiddling around while awaiting patrons to sit down, we have only our ability to pick on one another, come up with corny jokes on the spot, and a loud combined yell to draw attention. It's a show-to-show challenge needless to say. And a very good lesson on how to read patrons and their willingness to 'join in the fun.' But, despite the hard work and time needed to rehearse (and travel), it's something I look forward to all the time.

We would love to broaden our horizons and travel out west eventually (sadly, we've only gone as far west as Ks & Ia). It is difficult to find a faire/event with a big enough budget to afford us, our personal clothing & garb, AND all of our props. But, one of these days, when everything is right and we're meant to be out west, the offer will come and the budget will be there. For now, with our mundane jobs and college schedules, we are sticking to events and faires that within a 10 hour drive of the home office.

Rumba, if ever you get the chance to come back east, you have a place to stay, no questions asked. It would be my honor to host you, my dear.

That, in a nut shell (and as short as I can make it, -_- ) is what our shows are and what they comprise. The rest ... well, you will get to see the day our paths cross or when ever we can get our first DVD completed (that's taking its dear sweet time!)

Hope this helps your curiosity out some!

Fair Seas,


Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


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Thank you for a further explanation.

I wish I could see your shows, they sound wonderful and funny.

Dang, I wish I had a better writing mind, I would love to come up with a kid's story that Pirates of Treasure Cove could do. But at the moment I'm thinking that taking a kid's book and just having people mime out the actions.

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Quite welcome my friend. Perhaps one day you will get to see our shows, one never knows in this day and age.

Hmm... here are some ideas for a kid's show:

1) The story of an unlikely pirate (gets sea sick easily, doesn't look/act/smell like a 'true' pirate).

2) The story of the backwards pirate (wears his/her shirts/pants backwards, talks backwards, etc).

3) A story about a cabin boy saving his crew (or on the flip side, how he got his crew into trouble).

4) Why the Captain is always grumpy (never sleeps, has bad teeth, has splinters from his peg leg).

5) What pirates eat (this can take on a funny twist with a really bad cook making strange things to eat like "Seagull Surprise" or "Thrice baked Clams" - the grosser the food items, the better kids tend to like the story, I don't know why).

6) The clumsy sailor/pirate (gets tangled in the rigging, snarls the sails, can't tell port from larboard (or starboard), etc).

Just some ideas hon - if nothing else, they may spark something in your mind. I love all of our shows but, I have the most fun when doing our Pyrate Tales - I get to 'play dead' and be many different people - all in 15 mintues! Guess it's my inner kid coming out at those times :(

If you need any help, just give me a holler, I'll do all I can to assist you.

Fair Winds, off to finish supper then off to work for the night.


Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


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