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im thinkin im lookin more like a miner than a pirate but my shirt and neck scarf and hand made and my vest is half hand hand i shortened it up but you can really seeit ill post and new pic but lest me know what you think :lol:



Mr S

I think its the angle of the pic, and the hat.

While the cocked hat certainly wasn't the only style of GAoP headgear, nothing says pirate like a cocked (tricorn) hat.

If your cry for help is asking for suggestions, then I would 'cock it into a three cornered hat and lose the badge on front. Kind of hard to tell what it is, but I am guessing its a skull?

Good things.

1) I like your shirt. The slops contracts say "checked' shirt" and most people interpret that as any kind of check will work. My research into it leads me to believe that GAoP (and probably much later) checked are the window pane type of check... not the Italian Restaurant style.

This is the "bad" style of checks


and here is what I believe to be a more GAoP style of windowpane check


Which is more similar to yours. I can't see the cuffs of your shirt... and your jacket obscures the view of a lot of it... but that is the benefit of wearing a neckerchief and a coat... it hides a lot of sins!

2)Your neckerchief

Its good to see you wearing one. I have posted before that its practically a must have as 99% of period pics of sailors show them wearing a neckerchief.

Its hard to tell much about your sleeveless jacket from this photo. In my research, most short jackets had around 11 buttons or so that went from the throat, to about a little below the belly button, then the last 6-8 inches of jacket did not have any buttons.

Also, the buttons are spaced about 1"-1.25 inches apart. The wider spaced buttons seem to be later...

You are off to a good start, and Kudos for posting a picture of yourself.

I wouldn't worry about the "miner" thing, as its probably more of the hat than anything else. Plus, you have to expunge the preconceived notions of Hollywood pirates to get a better idea of what period pirates really did look like.


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