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Well a number of us now have each other's addresses, so I'm wondering if you all still want to do the Secret Santa gifting like last year?

If you want to do it:

The Secret Santa is open to all Pub members who have been here for at least two months or more.

Due to someone never receiving a gift from their Santa, that particular Santa person will not be allowed to join in again.

Also, some of you didn't get your goodies out until well after Christmas, making some people unhappy. Please make every effort to get things to your secret person before Christmas.

Names must be into me no later than Oct. 31. So that on Nov. 1, I can start pulling names and give all of you at least a month and a half to get something for the person whom you are a Santa to. Also there are Pub members in other countries and it's imperative that those gifts be sent to them no later than Dec. 8.

If you are interested, let me know and I'll start taking names/addresses down.

Rumba Rue

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Thats funny!

I was thinking the same thing! Count me in, of course. I haven't read over the last years thread in a while to see if there were any lessons learned/ways to make it better, but I think starting earlier would be a help.

I was trying to find a link to Last years Secret Santa thread to reduce the amount of explaining on how it worked.... but they seemed to have vanished... Tried a pub search, but alas, nothing.

What gives?


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Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


**Raises hand** I'm in again. It was too much fun last year.

BTW, my other half, Chain Shot, is making noises about wanting to participate. He joined the Pub in the Spring, but mostly reads the Pub since it takes him 20 min to type two words. I can vouch for him, and I suspect Red-Handed Jill, Patrick, and Jacky Tar would also.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


I'll definitely vouch for Chain Shot - you can see what good taste he has in gifts; look at the great cutlass he got for Ransom. (Not that we're expecting him to give one of us a cutlass, mind you...)

And count me in as well!



Thanks Patrick, Jill. Chain Shot will check in himself later, and give hints of the kinds of things he likes...he'll dictate, I'll type! :D

BTW you two, how was the black powder shoot?

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


During the day it was great! Jack and I got to try out our new long guns and we've been adding to our camp so it will be more authentic. We also did some tomahawk and knife throwing as well. And bought a few things here and there from the sutlers.

We planned to stay through Sunday, but on Friday night it got below freezing and my hips and back were in excruciating pain (arthritis, bad back...) We didn't want to risk going through that another night so we left Saturday evening. Patt stayed until today though. He's posting so it looks like he survived the second night!



Yup, GoF, I have been thinking about getting this going and when for quite some time now.

If I don't have your address from the previous event last year, you need to PM and give it to me.

So Mary Diamond, and Abrams (yes Hannukka counts) get in touch with me. :D

There really isn't a set price per say for what you get someone, but usually around $20.00 is the limit.


I've only been around for about two months so far but I'd still like to join in on this if I can.

I haven't posted a whole lot here on the Pub but I do jump in on a topic when the mood strikes. Also, I don't really know anybody but that should change once I meet a whole bunch of you at PIP.


Jonathan Washbourne

"Jonathan Washbourne Junr of Bridgwater appeared in court and was ordered to pay £5 fees and charges or be publicly whipped 20

stripes for his abusive and uncivil behaviour to Elizabeth Canaday Late of said Bridgwater by Thrusting up or putting of a skunk

under the Cloaths to her Naked Body And then saying he had Done the office of a midwife." (from The Plymouth Journal, July 1701)


Last year's amount was $20.

I will look through my stuff and see if I can find the rules we had for last year and will post them.

But in a nut shell, for the uninitiated, here is how it worked.

If you are in the Secret Santa group, send your Snail Mail address to Rumba (your screen and real names help)

She distributes ONE name and address to everyone who wants to participate, so for example, GoF might get Pat Hand's address, and Pat Hand might get Rumba's Address.

Let me stress here that there is a SECRET Part, you don't TELL anyone who you are getting the gift for, even the recipient. Thats why its called SECRET SANTA and not Blabber-Mouth Santa.

And again, you only have to buy ONE gift for ONE pirate who is playing the game, you don't have to buy everyone a gift.

The person who gets the gift then posts here at the pub and tries to guess who their Santa was.

So, in the example above, Pat Hand might post a picture of a set of Silver Shoe buckles and say, "wow, look at these cool buckles I got... I bet Red Handed Jill was my secret Santa, because I was complaining to her that I didn't have a cool set of buckles...."

At a pre determined date, we then reveal who our secret santa was.

The reason we stress active members in good standing is that if ONE person screws up and doesn't send a gift, forgets, or is 3 weeks late, it sours the whole thing.

Also, some members who are on the forum live overseas, and shipping can take a while so if you wait to send your package to Belgium on December 8th, that person on the receiving end isn't going to get it until after the New Year

I really wish we had the thread to last year, it would explain a lot... anyone know what happened to them?


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

  Gentleman of Fortune said:
I really wish we had the thread to last year, it would explain a lot... anyone know what happened to them?


I think you explained it pretty well! ;) Makes sense to me, even tho I already took part in this last year. But yeah, you explained the basics of it perfectfully.


You did fine GoF.

I still have the lists from last year so it will be better for me to make sure that people don't get the same person as before.

Thank you Mary Diamond, Iron Jon, and Abrams for sending your info to me.


No no! I want Patrick to have me again! He makes such wonderful things...

I don't think you need to worry about making sure everyone is different. Just let it fall out as it would do.


Have there been any macaroni art frigates, or finger-painted Jolly Rogers in the past? :lol:

I'll go out and buy some stamps early so I can promptly deliver what I'm sending when the time comes.

I've got the heart of a pirate, just not the garb...

:lol: Sign me up!

I'm pretty sure I've been around for 2 months . . .

And huzzah for the Hanukkah Fairy! I thought I was the only one who read that book . . . ;)

Avast, ye scurvy dog!


Count me in as well. Same address as last year - do you need me to pm anyways?

I never did find out who my santa was last year. A lovely compass arrived straight from Jas-Townsend. Since I never ordered it, I assumed it was from my secret santa. I don't think they ever announced themselves in the forum. But it works mighty fine for a mystery compass :D


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