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MDRF Invasion Details - Announced - Finally!!!

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Arrr! We're a bit overdue, but we have finally ironed out all the details (and used extra starch!) and we are happy to give to ye details of MDRF Invasion Weekend!

MDRF Invasion Weekend is the weekend of Saturday September 22 and Sunday 23. This be on Adventurer's Weekend, formerly known as Pirate Weekend.


Invasion Quarters will be at the Hampton Inn @ Glen Burnie.

Yer scurvy crew has captured 10 rooms from Friday 21st - Monday 24th. We fought, we pillaged and we got a rate of @ $109.00 - as opposed to the landlubber rate of $139.00.

When calling 1-410-761-7666 ask for Wenches Anna or Marianne (excepting don't tell them I told ye they were) and give the name Maryland Renaissance Faire Invasion. The agreement was booked under Shelley Wallace, in case they need further clarification.

In case ye don't have land legs - directions are below to faire from the quarters:



Ye'll be eating yer meal this year at Fuddruckers. Meet at 8:00 PM Saturday 22nd. We have our own galley, so as to have none of the landlubbers stealing our booty!

Fuddruckers – 175 Jennifer Road – 410-266-8030

We'll stagger and crawl and if you need help getting there, follow the link below:


Invasion Photo - Go On the Account!

Ye'll meet our Official Photographer Vyxen at 11:00 on Saturday at the Jury Rig stage or sharkbait ye'll be! Ye'll stagger and crawl and X marks the spot. Ye'll be gettin' yer photo taken at 11:15 sharp.

Meet & Greet Saturday:

Ye'll meet our fine wenches, buccaneers, lads, lassies and privateers at the Dragon Inn after ye parody of yerself in color from 11:30-12:30. Ye'll meet at the Dragon for grog, hugs, kisses, plundering, pillaging, capturing, hornswaggling, going on the account, what have ye!

Scavenger Hunt:

Get yer land legs ready, clear your head and get to searching for the booty! Yer illustrious Madame Lillye along with her scurvy sidekicks, Madam Macaw, Kyrsalynn and Mistress Shelley will be hosting yer scavenger hunt. Ye'll search, ye'll eye, ye'll beg, borrow and steal and ye'll get an answer to yer question, if ye have the right mate! Ye'll get yer letter of marquee at the Dragon Inn during the Meet & Greet. If ye want to come aboard, ye'll need to let Madam Macaw know before ye play and ye'll need to sign on at madammacaw(at)gmail(dot)com. Madam Macaw will need to know if yer participating by Friday, September 21. If ye don't sign up, we'll have a few spots open to the first one's of ye who get to us! We'll tell ye who pillaged and won at the Meet & Greet on Sunday - when ye'll be awarded yer booty. 2nd and 3rd place, ye'll get yer trinket! The likes of the rest of ye will rest in Davy Jones Locker...

Meet & Greet Sunday:

Ye'll drag yer tired arse on board at the Dragon Inn on Sunday from 11-12. Ye'll get yer grog and some fine kinship too! And ye might get yer booty if ye won the scavenger hunt!

Yer MDRF Invasion Cruise Directors-

Mistress Shelley

Madam Macaw


Madame Lillye

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day


Wonderful!!! Are you interested in joining the fun for the scavenger hunt or the dinner?

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day


The "Corsairs" Will be there this year.

They took a year off so that is why they weren't there last year.

The JuryRig is doing a Pub Crawl on Saturday But the Stuff Madam Macaw is talking about I think is open to all.

I'm look forward to seeing you again Rogue!!!!!!!!

:rolleyes: Good Crimson Corsair, I am not sure if we can stop by the encampment. As we are staying at said encampment with you... Duncan is lending us Brokeback so that we do not have to bring canvas with us from CT.... See you there. :lol:

sadly....well not so sadly buttttt anyway...I got suprised with tickets and a paid trip to Miami this weekend so I will miss the invasion. there will still be several Pirates Magazine people there if you wish to meet and greet.


-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio





I went Saturday and didn't see anyone I knew :ph34r:

I tried to make the Meet & Greet but my group was late. I took a fall in the garage before we left and then we forgot to account for the traffic back up outside of the faire. Speaking of that, did anyone else see the kids with the "Honk if You're Horny" sign outside of their house?

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