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I recently came across Crown and Anchor, an extremely simple dicing/gambling game which supposedly has some history in the british navy. My question is how far back does this go? Anyone have any idea? The concept is so simple it's easy to imagine it dates back as far as dice do but I know that's sloppy thinking.


Crown and anchor does go back a ways, but only a little ways. Early 18th century, popular amongst British, American, Australian sailors. A better choice would actually be Liar Dice [Disney almost got something right!], 'though it is not played as it was in the movie.

Also called "Perudo" by the Spaniards, Liar Dice is still played today, and dates back to the mid 16th. There are a number of modern variations, but differences are thankfully few. The core of the game remains the same, and remains simple. As good a source as any:


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