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Well....not really a surprise, but I did a quick search on ebay, and low and behold, there was a promotional item with the DVD at "select stores". Pirates of the Caribbean Aztec Coin Key Chain Hmmm...wonder how high this will go? Looks like they listed it just today. Good luck to those who bid. Think I'll just look to pillage one.

Captain of The Morrighan.


First day up, ye said? Well, here's my question . . . if it's up to twenty-six bucks already, why in heaven's name doesn't Disney take note of this and release more merchandise? I wonder if they realize that if they sold Aztec gold pieces of the PotC-persuasion as necklaces and keychains and all that, they'd sell bushels of 'em?!?

Usually Disney isn't so slow on the uptake when it comes to merchandise. *grins* I am content with my (knockoff) doubloon necklace, at least in this case, so I will be watching to see how high that eBay bid goes with interest but not participation. Thanks for the link!

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

If you looked on E-bay right after the movie came out you would have seen a frenzy of sales for the special gold plated coin that was sold in select theaters. On E-Bay some of these fetched $150 and they were purchased originally for $20.

I agree with the thought about Disney selling more. I am almost willing to bet that the copy I bought my copy from online might have came with the key chain however, the company, seeing a new trinket to sell might sell them as an additional item at a later date.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Ahoy brethren,

This may have been posted already, if so, chalk it up to LeClerc having too much iquana for Turkey Day, and large amounts of rum to wash it down? :D

From secret brethren in the behemoth in Bentonville, it seems only 1600 Wal-Mart stores in the US, was given the special POTC medallion coins, and that the store managers have the ability to hand them out.

I am not in the States, so you salt dogs might plunder and make them walk the plank, but that number of Super Centers got the special coins,

Fair plundering, and take no prisoners.

Andre LeClerc

fat and sassy master

of the St. Vitas Dance


"When in the midst of heaving, shipboard fightin, my old pappie use to say----If you aint cheatin, you aint tryin"


Ooohhh..that is an awesome clock....I wonder....at the top of the hour, does it chime with "Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrr"? :huh:

Captain of The Morrighan.

Usually Disney isn't so slow on the uptake when it comes to merchandise

Quite right - USUALLY they're not. But I recall a few years ago one other Disney hit that was sorely undermerchandised - Nightmare Before Christmas. You couldn't find much of anything for years. Then some japanese bought the rights and started making overpriced collectors items. Then Disney caught on a few years ago and started selling snowglobes and such. Then more Japanese manufacturers got involved. Been in a Hot Topic lately? You can get Nightmare underwear, toothbrushes, nightlights, checkbooks...

If Disney doesn't catch on soon, don't lose heart. Ten years from now you might be able to buy yerself a PotC chess set and Jack Sparrow shower curtain :huh:


  • 2 weeks later...

Disney was giving out the POTC necklaces at the festival this year during the haunted sail.. I was given was because I was a performer there. It is made of brass but I am going to paint it gold. I have not taken it off since I have been home!!!

Disney was giving out the POTC necklaces at the festival this year during the haunted sail.. I was given was because I was a performer there. It is made of brass but I am going to paint it gold. I have not taken it off since I have been home!!!

Oh...you are so lucky. If you get a chance, could you post a pic of it? Thanks so much.


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.


Arrr, an I be keepin kickin me own butt fer not goin!

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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