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:blink: Aye there Mates, Whats yer favorite movies and Tv Shows, its knowing what me fellow Pirates and Lasses like.....

My Soul Is Full Of Longing For The Secrets Of The Sea And The Heart Of The Great Ocean Sends A Thrilling Pulse Through Me .....


:blink: Well one of my Favorite Tv Shows is CSI Las Vegas. and i did like Pirates of Car...... but my all time favorite i would have to say is the Transporter movies... and action packed....

My Soul Is Full Of Longing For The Secrets Of The Sea And The Heart Of The Great Ocean Sends A Thrilling Pulse Through Me .....


On TV I did like the X-Files and Millenium, now it's Bones. When I had cable I was watching the forensic shows all the time.

I also like the old musicals Meet me in St. Louis, Singing in the rain and so forth.

As for movies....hmm Pirates 1,2, & 3, Brotherhood of the Wolf...


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Aye there Mates, Whats yer favorite movies and Tv Shows, its knowing what me fellow Pirates and Lasses like.....

The one I'm in now! ;)


Well I'm not much of a TV watcher...could do without it. I'd say

I liked Ally McBeal, was a West Wing Addict,

Like Boston Legal, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain who is 100% New York lol he's awesome! Go irreverant and cynical yeah! Like the Brit stuff, Insomniac with Dave Attell, Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends..Anderson Cooper, News News News, oh..and yes I'd laugh like a hyena at th original Man Show..but don't tell anyone lol..

um..movies..where to start

..old movies too numerous to list except Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Rear Window, Dr. Zhivago, Room for one More (one of my ALL time faves) um...a touch of Mink, Breakfast at Tiffany's, a great line in that one "When I meet the right man I'll buy some furniture and name the cat"

Hmm..All the 007's, The Desk Set (sigh), The African Queen, Marx Brothers stuff, oh! Casablanca..Charade, Duel in the Sun, 1776,

Sort of current, The Big Easy, Hunt for Red Oktober, All the Lethal Weapons, Indiana Jones and Star Wars, The River, The Patriot, Gladiator, The Wedding Planner, Tequilla Sunrise (fab performance by Raul Julia), Ghostbusters, Roxanne, Die Hard, The Pellican Brief, The Terminator, True Lies, The American President, Dave (I'm a sucker for White House Movies), anything Mel Brooks, Ocean's 11 both old and the remake, Shanghai Nights for the sword fight in the clock tower, French Kiss, Crossing Delancey, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Moonstruck, Get Shorty, Forget Paris, City Slickers, hehe Three Amigos (heffe), When Harry Met Sally, Romeo in love (with a nerdy barbossa lol), Fabulous Baker Boys, The road Warrior movies, Lilo and Stitch (awww!) I can so identify with Stitch..

Dangerous Liasions and all the other period movies, Henry the Fifth, All the POTC's of course..MAster and Commander, The Bounty (all versions) well I won't bore you further. However I WILL say that I am rarely found in front of the TV unless the weather is really bad.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Hehe aye..that was Audrey Meadows at the automat wasn't it? I want the yellow princess phone from that movie!. Aye some of those were worth watching just for the clothes and furnishings alone! Heh. I love Cary Grant movies.

Cool you like similar? the list goes on and on. Darn why do you live so far away? sigh...

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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