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And who cares about how much of the stuff is floating in our polluted rivers... and out in the Oceans.....

Nah... global Warming is Sooooo much more fashionable.......

Untill we have Tom Cruz or Brittny Spears saying anything...... no one cares........


I think she's pro-DHMO anyway..... she uses it all the time.....

But she could be the poster child warning others so they don't turn out like her...... ;)


Personally I think Global warming is a natural thing for the most part. You can't put stoppers in volcanoes, and other nations/countries don't have the modern conviences we have so their regulations are practically non-existant.

Regulating the USA is one thing, but we can't regulate what goes on outside the USA and I seriously doubt the USA is the most polluting country around.

**Just a side note here:

Here in S. California the cry for more water is common place...we have a whole friggin' ocean that we can use, just desalinate the water....but instead the polictians and people just don't see it and instead continue to grab from the Colorado river as if it were a never-ending river of life. Sadly even with the drought years many have endured, the water levels in rivers and lakes is way down.

If anyone can come up with a better solution than desalinating water, I'd sure like to know it.


Here's an article discussing desalination for So-Cal:

Desalination is Premature

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


I see the climate is changing all over the earth and I believe as some scientists do, that it's a natural occcurance every thousands of years or so. Yes, man contributes to the depletion of the earth resources but there are acts of mother nature that destroy as well(including control of population by natural means aka survival of the fittest).

The fact that scientists have also found out that the ice caps of Mars are melting, ie their theory is leaning to a solar system warming. Sounds good to me too.

So do I as a human of this planet sit home and fret over global warming, melting ice caps and changing climates? Not really. Does that mean I don't care? Of course not, I care for the earth...

but the realization is this...There are kids starving in my town. There are kids starving in my state and in my country. I see kids starving in other countries around the world. Does global warming mean anything to these little ones? Nope. Their stomachs are distended and they are malnourished and sickly. There is need of food and medical supplies to be bought and donated. And sadly, it starts in everyone's own back yard.

Who the hell cared about global warming when Katrina hit??? What did the vast majority of people do? They volunteered...donated money, food and shelter, Gave blood. Did all the things possible that they could do to help people get through a horrific disaster.

We all are affected by cautastrophies...natural or man made. By being a victim, or having friends or family that were victims. And it trinkles down to the fact that most of us are compassionate about our fellow human beings and we will do something to help for strangers...

there are victims in the here and now that need help. Why spend time fretting over global warming that may all be part of the big plan to begin with...For it to take thousands of years to make changes in the world's climate is not of a concern to me. I feel the need for myself to continue to work in my back yard and helping those that are needy...to feed the hungry, donate clothing and give shelter to the homeless.

I volunteer with Viet Nam vets. They are homeless and living in a shelter. The US government has long cut out funding to the PTSD programs that was created by the government to help with the affects of trauma years after the war. These men have NOTHING. Just the clothes that they wear. When I delivered groceries to them, one vet was so happy that I brought jugs of milk. He wanted a glass of milk and they were out of milk. He was sooooo thankful! OMG, to be thankful over a glass of milk???????? It breaks my heart to see these men STILL being treated as if they just walked off that C140 that arrived from SE Asia in the 70's.

And my ire went sky high when I saw a bumper sticker a few days ago, that read "Viet Nam Vets are not Fonda Jane" I got pissed...and it only makes me work harder to volunteer with those guys.

In the final anaylsis, we do what we believe in. If global warming is your thing, then go for it. If saving the mating cycle of Cuttlefish is your goal, then so be it. We all have our own agendas to work on and in the end, it's all to make the world a little bit better for today and hopefully for the next generation.

Off of soap box...on to ice box!

And my ire went sky high when I saw a bumper sticker a few days ago, that read "Viet Nam Vets are not Fonda Jane" I got pissed...

Not Global Warming (or the dangers of DHMO ) but why would that bumper sticker get you angry?

Many Viet Nam vets don't like Jane Fonda or her politics........


According to NASA ( I am going with NASA ) .........,

“People like to complain about the weather,” goes the old saw. This is especially true nowadays as bad weather becomes an excuse for the climate alarmist-friendly media to trot out its manmade global warming boogeyman.

The alarmists seem to need thinly-veiled headlines – such as the Washington Post’s “Across Globe, Extremes of Heat and Rain” (Aug. 8) and the New York Times’ “Warming Threatens Farms in India, U.N. Officials Says” (Aug. 8) – as two more studies published this week in the journal Science and the discovery of an embarrassing temperature error rained on their parade.

For a dimmer view of the concept of average global temperature, consider the thoughts of renowned theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson who says that average land temperature is “impossible to measure… is a fiction… nobody knows what it is… there’s no way you can measure it.”

The UK researchers (and most other climate alarmists) are even wrong on the matter of 1998 being the warmest year on record – at least for the U.S. According to a new analysis which discovered an error in a NASA dataset, 1934 is the new warmest year on record for the U.S. In fact, four of the warmest 10 years in the U.S. date from the 1930s while only three date from the last 10 years. This is an embarrassing setback for alarmists, especially since about 80 percent of manmade carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions occurred after 1940.

I think Pats right. I'm not going to be worrying about it.

Also we just got our foreshore lease approved for the marina in San Jose.

I asked the engineer working on my Foreshore about the sea levels at the beach., he says the records for the last 61 years (thats when the registrar began keeping tabe on such things there) He says historically things seem about the same., there fore I trust his judgement on the elevation requirement for our sea walls. He says with 7107 islands there he see the water mark all the time......., he thinks we are safe. :angry:

Me too 3.gif

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

Seems some blogger has discovered a Y2K bug error in NASA's raw data used fer calculations.  :angry:

Yes, the NASA bug was found by the NSA wire tap! :huh:

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


The thing that most amazes me is the number of folks who actually believe we can do anything about it. Historically speaking, by the time a problem is dicovered,(if in fact there is one), it is already too late. Personally, I don't think the human race(myself included) is worth saving anyhow. I would pray for an asteroid if I believed in praying for anything, then sit out on the lawn with the kids and watch things burn.

Anybody remember the Chiken Little story BEFORE Disney/Pixar got ahold of it? The sky is falling again? :angry:



What scares me the most is what we will try to do to "fix" the "problem".....

I have to see if I can find the article again..... but there was an idea/scam to launch some satalites with huge mylar pannels.... one side would reflect all the suns harmfull rays... and the other would have advertisements on it......

And my ire went sky high when I saw a bumper sticker a few days ago, that read "Viet Nam Vets are not Fonda Jane" I got pissed...

Not Global Warming (or the dangers of DHMO ) but why would that bumper sticker get you angry?

Many Viet Nam vets don't like Jane Fonda or her politics........

Sweetie if you read some of my posts, you'd know that I volunteer with Viet Nam veterans...I am pissed because the US government has nearly cut off the Viet Nam Vets...and a high percentage of Americans still fault the Viet Nam Veterans for the war. It's carried over to the Iraq war...and that what angers me.

The bumper sticker reminded me of Hanoi asshole Jane...

The thing that most amazes me is the number of folks who actually believe we can do anything about it.  Historically speaking, by the time a problem is dicovered,(if in fact there is one), it is already too late.  Personally, I don't think the human race(myself included) is worth saving anyhow.  I would pray for an asteroid if I believed in praying for anything, then sit out on the lawn with the kids and watch things burn.

Anybody remember the Chiken Little story BEFORE Disney/Pixar got ahold of it?  The sky is falling again? :rolleyes:


You have a pretty raw opinion of mankind...

We all should be so lucky if the world just imploded and that would be the end of everything...no more hunger, drought,earthquakes,diseases, cancer, rapes, aids, no worries about nuclear war or meltdowns, heck no taxes to pay!

I think we're going to be around for awhile and what we do to our environment is our responsibility.

We cannot remove the chemical toxins from the land and water that was put there in the 30's,40,50,60's,70's...Whatever we build to prevent it from leeching, it still will saturate the land and water.

That same land is what we plant our crops in...organic or not. There are chemicals in the soil. The water is terribly polluted...both sea water and fresh water are filthy.

Yet we, as in North America, have the ability and resources to built plants to filter the soil and water. There are better ways to deal with the trillions of trash that people make each year. Recycling is good. But not good enough.

And sadly, the world is in our backyard. Do you have to care about your neighbors? No you do not. I can't force you to care about others. I can't tell you to recycle your cans or make a compost pile in your backyard.

Problems begin in our backyard. We have to start somewhere to make a difference. And some people seeing that we are trying to make an effort, may take it on the road and travel to other lands. Hence the Peace Corps, Habitat for Humanity, and other wonderful organizations that offer assistance to those in need. The people are volunteers....normal working stiffs and joes, that want to make a difference in the world.

You have free will to make choices in your life.

So if an asteroid will be coming down to earth, you and your kids would sit and watch the destruction. If that's what you want to teach your kids, that's your business.

I know me and my kids would be doing eveything possible to make sure that people would be out of danger, and I know darn well that we'd be helping in trying to put out the same fires that you'd be sitting and watching...savvy?

and that what makes this earth such a unique place.


I've quoted this before - from one of my favorite authors, Spider Robinson:

"There are no passengers on Starship Earth - only crewmembers."

Too many damn people out there think they are passengers. It is too late to have any huge impact on what we've already done, but we can take steps to reduce our future impact. Global warming is just one issue of many and quite frankly, I think the human impact on it is fairly minimal. But there are so many things that need to be addressed: excessive trash, air quality, water quality, resource draining, species extinction... so many ways that humans have made poor choices. And that's just environmental issues.


I am pissed because the US government has nearly cut off the Viet Nam Vets...and a high percentage of Americans still fault the Viet Nam Veterans for the war. It's carried over to the Iraq war...and that what angers me.

The bumper sticker reminded me of Hanoi asshole Jane...

Brief aside - I agree with yah on that. B)

(Cousin and granddaughter to several vets.)

We now return you to the main discussion...

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


First off..... I'm not "Sweetie" (unless you'r a tall nude sexy female)

So if an asteroid will be coming down to earth,

Wow... isn't that what killed off the Dinosaurs ? .... not global warming, or anything humans did......

We can't distroy the Earth....

Of course, we can make it uninhabitable for humans, so from our persepective thats the same thing......

But ..... "the Ice Age is coming".....

....no.... now it's "Global Warming".....

Vote for me, and I'll save you.........

Whatever some politition who wants your votes, or some actor or actress is telling you is the truth?

Hey... "I read it in Time magazine"..... now go back in this thread, and read what Time said about the coming Ice Age...... the truth, or something popular to sell thier magazines.....?


The history of "terrors that threaten the population" is long and, in retrospect, somewhat silly. It used to be the vengeful God and now it is the vengeful earth.

A re-visitation of the environmental terrors predicted in the past century or so in the popular media will show alternation between unstoppable warming and unstoppable cooling (both of which the more sensational scientific reporting tells us have occurred in the past.) The episodic nature of such scientific pronouncements plays well into the Whack-A-Mole approach the media has to human issues and crises.

The core essence of the earth cares little for us or our feats and accomplishments, despite that lofty (and lowly) stature that some have ascribed to us. It could just as soon wipe us away through a series of catastrophes as not. (Fortunately, "not" seems to be the going rate.)

There are certainly things we can individually do to care for ourselves vis-a-vis the planet, however. Like all such things, some will and some won't. As mentioned previously, the positive effect of the GW belief is that it draws some of the indifferent into thinking a little bit more about the big picture. (Albeit while precluding examination of the even bigger picture.) The negative effect is that it gives credence to and concentrates more power in the hands of the environmental bigots and zealots.


"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



Yes my oppinion is raw, and based on the absolute reality of daily events. I am a complete realist. History provides us all with the proof that humans cannot or will not act responsibly on the whole. Sure there are a few who truly wish to change the world, but those few will always be crushed beneath the weight of the billions of others who do not.

As far as what I teach my children, (an innacurate assumption on your part) is what every parent should teach their young.

1- Think for yourself, follow no-one, nor accept any religion but that which you have fully explored on your own.

2- Act responsibly and accept the consequences for your actions.

3- Everything you do has an impact on everyone around you, so think before you leap.

There is more, but those are the basics around this house. I do not force my oppinions on them, but I answer all questions with complete hnoesty regarding how I feel. I have never baby talked them, and always given clear easy to understand answers.

That said, they have always enjoyed the holidays, and even though I and thier mother both despise organized religion, they do attend church when invited, and we do send them to a christian camp for a week every summer. They look forward to being with the other kids, and are always full of questions regading the myths of christianty. This gives them the tools they need and experience working things out for themselves.

With my usual luck though, I will probably survive the devastation and have to watch the mutants pick up where everyone else left off. :lol:

My point was really that it will take a global catastrophe to actually happen before enough people get concerned, and as long as a quick fix is applied, the masses will quickly forget the event and continue as before. Happens with every tragedy.


2- Act responsibly and accept the consequences for your actions.

Perhaps one of the greatest rules of success (and failure) in my mind.

You are responsible for your actions. A restatement of that is something I have mumbled several times on this forum: you are where you are and what you are because of the choices you have made. If you don't like either, make new choices.

Your third rule has great application to the green movement. Even when we try to "save" something (a habitat, environment, the earth), we produce a long chain of events that has mathematically chaotic results. Look at the huge mess that this silly ethanol push has created.

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



Mission, it is really cool to have the same thing said in both eloquence, and hillbilly jargon in the same thread. More people get to see the root of things with this kind of diversity. Although we have not always agreed on every topic, I salute your mastery of the languge. B)

Obnoxious, abrasive Bo. B)

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