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The tidal mud is now an area known as the Battery. It was walled up, filled in and used as a gun battery.

The area between the monument and the end of the Battery, facing Fort Sumter (of American Civil War fame).

South Carolina,

spawner and killer of Pirates

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




That...is just awsome.

Proof, once again, that pirates were real, not some characters made up in a paperback novel you buy at CVS.

Too bad it wasn't done up more so. Having not been there (roadtrips through the carolinas on I-95 notwithstanding), I'd get the sense that this gets lost , in the civil war history of Ft. Sumter , or at least confused with.

Salem, Mass has that particular issue also. Most people think of the 1692 witch trials when it was more so a prime maritime & shipping port. I have not the heart to tell the pagan brethren for fear of breaking their hearts. Those folks look like they are having too good a time.


Your not to far oof the las time i was up there for a Rev war event ...a few of us came into town after we se up camp a 18th Cen ball...we were doing a bit of looking about before had (and well having a few Drams and pints) and we ended up in that park........some one was looking at the monument from the rear (as you can see in last picture) And stated to his wife and two kids who asked what it was....."Well its the Grave of a a unknown Confedrate who died durring the battle of fort SUMMER.....

At this point i think made noises about throwning my self into traffic but lucky for me My freinds no how to get my mind off of "Tourons" and pointed me twords somehting else that would catch My attention....

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