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Finally had time to get it together. Mostly dollar store piratey stuff. I did buy one set of the minature figures at the Disney store but they are not to scale to the ships but that's OK. It's for enjoyment purposes and nothing else...





If you look closely, you will see honey bees taking swigs of water from the drift wood. It's been dry for weeks and all the creatures are extremely thirsty.

My neighbor is a beekeeper and every year we get the most delicious honey. Last year we had purple honey-very sweet!


Hmmm... wonder if your fish will be press ganged?? :blink:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


You'd think powder monkeys would be in higher demand... :blink:

Looks like she has a crew of *Powder Bee's!* B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



That's cool!

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---



Wow that looks wonderful..Brava! I see those pirate figures at the dollar store too and am tempted to buy them, but they look perfect for your fish pond!!!! Great photo's thanks so much!!!

By the way do you find that your flowering Hyacinth's grow like mad and fill up your pond?

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


  • 2 weeks later...

That is extremely cute. Especially the bees! :blink: The miniature flour sack is a great touch. I do wonder, though, how that pirate ship got stuck in the wood... (looks like a transporter accident. This is why pirates and Star Trek do not mix.)

i love it! makes me want to *try* and do something akin to that :unsure: that looks great!

the purple honey sounds awesome! have ye any idea where they were raiding their nectar from to make it?

That year our entire back yard was purple loosestrife so the bees had a field day with those wild flowers! They look pretty and purple is my favorite color but they are invasive.

This year, the rain has been sparse and the creek is dry.That's why the creatures are hitting the fish pond for water.

I don't see any purple loosestrifes-only the wild honeysuckles, which are golden color.

Wow that looks wonderful..Brava! I see those pirate figures at the dollar store too and am tempted to buy them, but they look perfect for your fish pond!!!! Great photo's thanks so much!!!

By the way do you find that your flowering Hyacinth's grow like mad and fill up your pond?

I started buying pirate figures at the hobby shop, where they sell the civil war figures(and there is a huge Gettysburg field inside the shop, absolutely awesome)...anyway, the dollar stores started to get in piratey stuff when the POTC movies came out, so now I have lots of pirates to play with.

Then I found this little row boat with a Disney character from The Little Mermaid. I painted the face, made a wig with scarf and little beads and tied a striped sash around him.

That boat has wheels on the bottom, one of those toys to zoom across the floor. I hot glued the openings but the boat keeps sinking so I stuck Jack on the driftwood.

The only way to keep the Flying Dutchman afloat was to stick it in between the driftwood. Those ships are the ones that are on pegs and aren't for water. My Black Pearl is falling apart from water rot. So I careened it on the side of the pond for now! LOL

As for the hyacynths, this year they did not spread all over the pond. The goldfish lay their eggs on the roots, then turn around and eat the eggs and cause damage to the roots.

One year, we had racoons come at night and they'd step on the edge ot the fish pond and eat the hyacynths! We knew they were racoons because of their muddy foot prints left behind.

We don't mind...only when the skunk comes marching in, then we all scramble in the house. The skunk is not afraid of anything. He just meanders all over the yard...


You need a fake predator to scare off the skunk. You could get one of those plastic owls and place him near the fish pond. That might discourage the mammal visitors.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

You need a fake predator to scare off the skunk.  You could get one of those plastic owls and place him near the fish pond.  That might discourage the mammal visitors.

I never thought about a plastic owl.

I did think that having a dog would scare the skunks away but my dog got sprayed by a skunk so that idea didn't work. You can't trap a skunk nor kill it(not allowed in the city) and skunks can pretty much go wherever they want-who's going to argue with a skunk?

Except for my dog, and my dog lost the argument! :lol::lol:


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