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Aargh! I'm back!

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<_< Ahoy there Mateys! After a bit o' exile I be returnin' ta Sea lookin' fer plunder!

(Okay, it was a 3 year exile!)

I be livin' in Neer-folk, Virginny but be goin' baks ta Philly soon to be wit' me lovin' wench, Lis.

After an impressment o' 20 years, de Royal Navy (aka US Navy) will be releasin' me whereby I intend ta return ta da sea and drink and plunder ta me harts content or an early grave in Davey Jones Locker (whichever comes first).

Lookin' ferward ta boardin' yer vessels in piracy!

Mike Kotyk

aka (Swashbucklin' Domingo da Dark)


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