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I just got my new sword from Darkwood Armory. I'm very pleased with it. I would have to say it is more functional than decorative though. That is comparing it to my wife's Jody Sampson, but her's also cost three times as much as mine. Here are some pics.




Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.


Oh, gorgeous... did you have to wait for it long?

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum



I have two Jody swords... how about some Pix of your wife's weapon as well?

Very, very nice sword you have there mate. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Thank you, I'm pleased as punch with it. It did take a bit to make, apparently the scabbard took longer than the sword. :lol: Overall I waited about 5 months.

Here is the Jody Sampson, the scabbard is the first scabbard I made.




Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.


Reeks of Jody...

And AWESOME Scabbard lad!

You ought to take orders! ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Both of them are very nice swords, I was considering getting myself a new sword recently, but decided on re-decorating the dinning room in a Nautical theme, that and my wife suckered me into buying her a mid 1940's Baldwin Acrosonic piano. (Just between you and me I bought the piano so I would have somewhere to sit my new model ship that's coming in the mail. :lol: )


I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I got my wife into piracy, but she ends up getting a more expensive sword than me. Truth be told, it really makes it easier to justify just about anything I want. Thanks for the kind words.

I'm interested in seeing Iron Bess's Jody Samsons... :lol:

Somehow that doesn't quite sound right. Aw hell :lol:

Not in action mind you, from a nice safe distance. Voyeuristic like, if you please.


Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.


Much the same here, I got my wife onto the whole pyratical bent, and often her gear turns out to be rather more expensive than mine. I expect that out of clothes now and then, but her taste in steel tends to be a bit more... indulgent... than mine. I like plain and functional, she tends toward a bit flashier.

Although, she's less enamoured of things that go "boom" than I am...


that's a fantastic sword :) I like that it's simple, but still ridiculously lovely to look at. the design is very nice

if i had to choose betweens yours and your wife's, i'd pick that one

ANYWAY, you made the scabbard for your wife's sword?!

i agree with iron bess that you ought to take orders :) reeeaally fantastic


Thanks for the compliments on the scabbard. Unfortunately, all the metal bits are from Afghani jewelry. Unless I got my hands on some more this is pretty much a one shot. Maybe in the future, just trying to get the hang of it now.



Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.

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