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Hello my pyrate breathen. I am knew to pyrate reenacting. I did a little civil war reenacting. So i have a few differnt questions. Can anyone point me to where i can get knowledge about uniforms and weapons. I am intrested in PIP and would like to attened. Where would the ammuntions and such go. I have never cleaned my rifle and am planning on purchasing 3 at PIP. Is there any differnt way to cleaning your rifle. I am also intrested in sort of a spanish theme as i am mexican. How far do you guys go when reenacting out of curosity. Hope i am not treading toes.


The best place for clothing and knowledge would be under Captain Twill and of course check in Plunder. Im sure the others will be along to welcome you to the Pub and to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Not all of us here do re-enacting. Some just have an interest in pirates and history. I do hope you find the forums helpful for your needs.


If.n ye've done ACW re-enacting, have you ever seen the soft-cover books by Osprey Publishing (www.ospreypublishing.com) ? They have a HUGE selection of soft-cover booklets (about $10-15 each) on prtty much ANY historical period. Their Pirates series (4 booklets, I think) is fantastic, and all the books have a color-plate section; very useful for outfit ideas! You can find them in any good hobby shop that carries military/historical plastic-model kits. or bookstores that have a large military section, too.

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