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A few questions about the Pub.

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INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT is the primary thread for introductions and interaction between the old hats of the pub and the new people just joining up, but the tagline also mentions that this forum may be used to "post questions and comments about the Pub to the moderators", so here goes.

Question number one...

Why does the start page for Pyracy.com still list the 2005 dates of Pirates in Paradise instead of the current dates?



Question number two...

Could someone please remove the subforum "The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog" from the Pirate Crews forum?

No one on the Watch Dog crew can add or remove threads from that subforum. Since we can't post to it, add to it or edit it, we'd rather see it removed. We just hate to see a wasted subforum on the Pub. Some of the information on it is outdated or in need of ammendment.

Question number three...

How is everyone behind the scenes?

We never hear from enough of the people who run this place to know what's going on anymore. How are all of you behind the curtain? How did all of you get started here?

We could use a history of the Pub thread under INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT.

Question number four...

How many people on the Pub belong to the member group called "Captains"?





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Woot Woot WOOT! (Sorry, from my gaming group - but the intent is the same!)

You GO, William! From Day 1 when I joined, I noticed the PiP banner being outdated, but didn't know who to post to!

Love to see that updated to reflect the swell behind this year's PiP!

Oh, and I'd love to know how the Pub developed - must be some great stories, there.



Oooh, shiny!

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You see, there are several reasons why the subforum for The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog needs to be changed, but the tagline is one of the main ones. It is wrong. It states that "you must be invited to join the crew to post on the Watch Dog" which is not true.

You can be invited, but you may also ask to join the crew. You don't have to wait for an invitation. We get volunteers quite regularly.

Some one must be working on the issue as we post, because the threads are now gone. Only the The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog title and tagline remain.





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It is wrong. It states that "you must be invited to join the crew to post on the Watch Dog" which is not true.

You don't have to wait for an invitation.

Don't have to wait for an invite? Ye mean the Archangel can barge in any time... :lol:;)

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Your quote option is broken.

"You can be invited, but you may also ask to join the crew."

You lucky dog, you. You have a working subforum with threads and everything. I've been asking for access to the Tales of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog forum for almost 2 years.





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Your quote option is broken.

"You can be invited, but you may also ask to join the crew."

You lucky dog, you. You have a working subforum with threads and everything. I've been asking for access to the Tales of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog forum for almost 2 years.

Dang... ye noticed..

Can ye restart a new one?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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are you getting that Sorry you do not have permission bit?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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did you pm Booty?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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WoW!... hmmm. If the threads are gone, what would it require to just start a new one? If they can't get around to opening it back up again, why should you wait?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Question number three...

How is everyone behind the scenes? 

We never hear from enough of the people who run this place to know what's going on anymore.  How are all of you behind the curtain?  How did all of you get started here? 

I only know of two people "behind the scenes." There's Bloody Buckets, who (if I remember what I read correctly) took the site over from someone else and is essentially in charge of it, but is too busy to be here much. And there's Booty, who I think works with or for BB and takes care of pub management as a favor or something. There used to be a thread in Beyond Pyracy that explained some of this (pre- Booty), but it was deleted when they cleaned up that forum a few years ago. Maybe Iron Bess, Black Hearted Pearl or Rumba could tell you more. They've been around for quite awhile - much longer than me. (December 2004)

As for us mods...we just take care of our little areas. We can move and edit threads, change thread names, lock them, delete them, slice and dice them and combine them and so forth. But we can only do that in our forums. I doubt we could fix your broken sub-forum, but I don't have any sub-forums in Beyond Pyracy, so I don't know. You could ask Mad Jack or hurricane. We don't get a lot of feedback, but this is a pretty loose and open place. (I've experienced two kinds of forums as a mod - those that are loose and open - which is most of them - and don't have a lot of day-to-day involvement from the administrators and those that are run by control freaks. Believe me, the first is far better.) The admins are there when we really need them, though. That's a big plus. I used to mod a forum where the admin wouldn't get back to you for days.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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Yes, loose control is good - certainly better than a dictatorship - but just as William has been after the Admins for 2 years, I've been asking since I joined for the Admins to at least show their faces once in a while. But it's always been second-generation responses from Mods, rumors and best guesses.

Yes, the board works - but that's due to the Mods and the superior quality of the members. The Admins should thank their stars that they're lucky enough to have such a system in place, and the least they could do is make a surprise visit once in a while, or turn the duties over to someone who has more time and/or cares a bit more about the board.

Look at the SEO of this place - frankly, for a board with this much traffic and this long a history - it sucks. To me, that shows that someone doesn't care very much about it. With the pirate craze going wild these last couple of years, this place should be a goldmine for the owner which in turn should be reflected in upgrades and some current news items.

Do something new here, for cripes sake - make it a little more Web 2.0 perhaps - get some videos going, an audio library, set up some proper mail systems and IM's...at LEAST upgrade to version 2.3 of the IP software...

Just my thoughts, as always.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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I don't know. If I were an admin, I'd have a second ID that I'd use most of the time. In fact, there was a thread debating just that and who Bloody Buckets really was a few years ago in Beyond. (I thought it might be Duchess. :lol: ) Apparently the whole idea was wrong - Bloody was just busy. My understanding is that he runs a business.

SEO can bring a flood of new users...and spammers...and trolls. I remember when Episode I hit at TheForce.net. Dear God... :lol: ...there was a flood of new users. Some of them wound up being really good posters, but my impression as a mod was that there was also a significant increase in the number of troublemakers as a percentage of total posters. It's a gilt-edged sword. Plus it completely changed the tone of the forum. (Be careful what you wish for...) I actually left TF.N a short while after that. The forum wasn't as much fun and a lot of the older posters that I liked to chat with had gradually left.

If I could have one wish, it would be to change that stupid dark brown background.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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Eh, yes and no (like most things in life).

Without fresh blood, you run the risk of inbreeding - a situation that I observe daily in my mundane life neighboring community. Thoughts become stale, everything becomes predictable.

And yes, you open yourself up to new terrors and troubles when you bring in fresh blood, but so what? That's also the nature of freedom, right? Like this country? Open your doors and you get a wonderfully crazy mixing of ideas and customs, but along the way you get a few chum-buckets.

So, there are systems and methods available that will eliminate the chum buckets (and I know THAT'S been a topic here before - just ask Rumba).

Wouldn't it be worth having the new blood?

As for the owners - whoever they may be - if this is just a hobby board, fine. It's a great one. But I just see the missed opportunities...

PS - why should the owner have a second ID? I don't buy that. In fact, I just saw Booty on here before.

If you want to play The Phantom with your members, that's swell - just don't expect the highest levels of trust and cooperation. I don't give my allegiance to a mask...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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First, let me clarify something. This thread was started to ask a few straight forward questions and that is all. Mod or Admin bashing is not the intent of my original questions. I just wanted to see if a few things could be changed. Small things.





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I'm here to handle the technicals, and the occasional grumbles. By and large I do not and will not take part in this community. It's not you guys; it's me, and it's not because I somehow dislike y'all or because I'm too busy sitting atop my ivory admin tower eating peeled grapes and scoffing at commoners. Quite the contrary, I'm consistently impressed by the community here. I'm not large with the touchy-feelies so I'll stop there before I make myself blush, or worse.

In short (or not, maybe) managing the 'back end' of the pub was handed to me by my boss a little over a year ago. I'm not here to be part of the crowd; I occasionally poke my head in but by and large we have a group of outstanding moderators who are active members of this community, and we trust them to do the jobs they do so well.

If you need me, PM is the way and the light (insert choir noises here). I'm here in this thread because a PM arrived asking me to read it. I may not always reply to every PM because I get an unholy butt ton of PMs with urgencies of varying degree, but every issue that lands in my inbox gets read and acted upon if it is at all possible to do so.

I apologize for what seems to be inattentiveness on the part of I, your humble admin. The issues raised in this thread are indeed news to me; I will be more than happy to tackle them. Please send me detailed PMs on what exactly is not working (telling me "my subforum is broken" is not enough info) and the result you expect. That result may or may not be feasible, but it will certainly be heard and if at all possible, implemented.

Group hug?

"You can just hang around outside all day tossing a ball around, or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters."

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So. All of the above said:

Could someone please remove the subforum "The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog" from the Pirate Crews forum? 


How is everyone behind the scenes?  We never hear from enough of the people who run this place to know what's going on anymore.  How are all of you behind the curtain?  How did all of you get started here? 

I have a head cold, my family has just moved into a new (to us) house, my two kids are reaching that point of summer where they're bored out of their minds. It's like 97 degrees outside with I'm not sure what to call it other than "holy crap humidity" and I'm grouchy. >:|

I got started here because my boss said the pub needed an admin, and asked if I'd be kind enough to do it. Ta da.

How many people on the Pub belong to the member group called "Captains"?

This information is available to you by clicking on the "members" link underneath the banner ad at the top of the page. On the page that loads, at the very bottom, where you will see the word "Showing" and then a series of dropdown menus, select "Captains" from the first dropdown menu (which defaults to "All members" and then press go.

Also, I have no accounts or aliases on this board other than this one. Just to clear that up. :)

"You can just hang around outside all day tossing a ball around, or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters."

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tis a dirty job but we're glad you're doing it ....since i'm not the most computer savvy m'self ...one question i have and it's a small one is there anyway to get more period type fonts on the pub ....having worked in military tech pubs for almost 30 years i have an aversion to sans serif block type and besides i think a pyrate pub needs a pyratical type font like say - blackadder itc or other script typefaces ....just a request :huh:

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What on earth are ye talking about?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I'm talking about the tag along the side...

Example: Your information reads as follows.

Capt. Sterling

Posted: Jun 25 2007, 06:52 PM

Pyrate Legend

Group: Members

Posts: 3879

Member No.: 2648

Joined: 2-January 06

See where it says 'Group: Members'? Some fellows on the pub belong to 'Group: Captains'.

There are six members of the Pub who belong to the group 'Captains', namely blackjohn, Cap'nPern, Duncan McGuyver, hurricane, Master Studley and Redd Oktober. I was just wondering how that particular designation is handled, for while some of these men do command groups as captains, I'm not sure that all of them do.

You for example, my dear Captain, are in the group 'members', as am I.





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Hmmm interesting...never noticed...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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