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to serve and protect

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officer mat of the spring city PA police department is having to sit by his 5 yr. old daughter's bed side in AI DuPont hospital in delaware while she struggles with a kidney infection that has claimed her left kidney and is threatening to spread and claim the right one as well ...her name is Samantha and her dad calls her Sami ...so if you have it in your heart to say a prayer or two for this sweet little girl ...it couldn't hurt ...i know most of us pyrates have a soft spot for the wee ones

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Aye me prayers go out for them to any gods whom shall still listen, may they come through this

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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My prayers are certainly with the sweet child and her Daddy. I pray she will soon be healed and come through this ordeal, and I hope the burden of worry will be lifted from her daddy's heart as well.

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---


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  • 2 weeks later...

Any word?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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sami has stabilized but her left kidney has ceased to function properly but the right one is functioning at 100% so she is on the mend but they will remove the affected left kidney next week ....but she's up and around as of yesterday and giving the nursing staff fits


keep those prayers coming folks!!!

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thank the gods, may the wee one mend fully

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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