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If ye be in the state of North Carolina and looking to run with a group of rakish devieants, then send me an e-mail. Breathern of the Blade, a pirate and stage combat group in Raleigh NC is putting together a couple of events this year, and we ar also in the process of recruiting new crew members. If ye be in the area and want to join up with this notorious and hilliarious crew, just drop a line and let me know


By all means, please please PLEASE let me know when your events are being planned to be put on. I couldn't join up as a crew member meself -- my schedule wouldn't allow it -- but I _did_ manage to convince me family that, if there's some sort of pirate event on the East Coast (unless it's in Florida; can't get me mum to go back there *grins*), we'll do our best to attend.

So keep us posted! :)

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

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