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I walked Manhattan to day from Central Park to Chambers st. near Ground Zero. Everything is S3, every where you look in every direction, bilboards, posters, hats, t-shirts ( I even saw young hiphoppers wearing rhinestone T's with the spiderman mask). There is no escape.

on the other hand POTC-AWE marketing is verrrrrrry subtle. That, my dear friends is a good sign. I get the impression that AWE is going to be verrrry good indeed. :lol:


They better enjoy it while they can. Once Pirates 3 comes out that Spider will get flushed! Even Shrek the 3rd will not beat out Pirates. Main reason: fan girls! There's a bigger fan base in Pirates then there is in both Spidey and Shrek. Tho, I'll admit I'm kind of interested in seeing Shrek the 3rd. So far only the 2nd Shrek has been good so we'll see if the 3rd will be good too. I've been hearing from friends how Spidey was not all that good anyway. Too weepy like the 2nd one was. Every damn character is crying over something, ugh!

I heard Spidey went over $148 mil. Bet P-3 goes over $150 mil. :huh:

Pirates has a longer running time then Spiderman so less showings per day.

I think in the overall it will out do Spidey but it's the opening weeks end that they fret over.

So, Disney in their own inimitable style.... will cheat. And open AWD early.

Showings will begin on Thursday nights (the 24th) at 8pm in several cities.

Oh well... Pirates. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Wrong. Spider-Man 3 (there's a hyphen there people) is a very good close to the trilogy. And it's the best overall Marvel Trilogy to date (versus X-Men and Blade). Of course Spider-Man is "weepy". He has always been a angst ridden, torn, character. A good boy who wants to do better and seeing his life and family and friends torn asunder by his powers and actions. Who wants to see a perfect superdud, or a black wearing momma's boy with too much money and not enough anti-depressants.

Far better than a Drunk, Crazy, liar and thief, IMHO.

That said... I like Jack Sparrow and believe potc3 will pimpslap Sm3 up and down the street.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF


I'm changing the Topic Title because I can't stand to have something say Spiderman three times in a PIRATE POP FORUM.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.



Ain't you Sassy!!!! :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Ahhh,...but Spidey's people have already said they are doing three more,so.....are Ted and Terry busy scribblin' 4,5 and 6??.....inquirin' pyrat minds wanna know,eh?


ROYALISTE Raidin' Thru Blackbeard's Backwoods.......

Wrong.  Spider-Man 3 (there's a hyphen there people) is a very good close to the trilogy.  And it's the best overall Marvel Trilogy to date (versus X-Men and Blade).  Of course Spider-Man is "weepy". He has always been a angst ridden, torn, character.  A good boy who wants to do better and seeing his life and family and friends torn asunder by his powers and actions.  Who wants to see a perfect superdud, or a black wearing momma's boy with too much money and not enough anti-depressants.

No one wants to see a superhero movie that's all weepy and emo. It's supposed to be about fun! That's why the dark Batman movies really don't too well either. The 1966 Batman series was much more up-lifting, it's bright and campy yes, but at least enjoyable and no one sat around getting all weepy. Even the old cartoons of Spider-Man were much more enjoyable than what it has become now.

Ahhh,...but Spidey's people have already said they are doing three more,so.....are Ted and Terry busy scribblin' 4,5 and 6??.....inquirin' pyrat minds wanna know,eh?


ROYALISTE Raidin' Thru Blackbeard's Backwoods.......

Yes m'love... at least one more. :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


I'm changing the Topic Title because I can't stand to have something say Spiderman three times in a PIRATE POP FORUM.

Well, I'm afraid that the ninjas can kick the pirates butts because they're trained in the oriental arts and pirates don't have much formal training at all other than...what? Isn't this one of those pirates vs. ninjas threads?

(Actually, it almost is. :D:D Who started such an absurd rivalry anyhow?)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



The actors in Spider-3 were not really into their roles and I am even less into that movie. By Neptunes footstool I bet POTC3 will kick arse! Even if zeye have to see it more than once and I will! :D

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

No one wants to see a superhero movie that's all weepy and emo. It's supposed to be about fun! That's why the dark Batman movies really don't too well either. The 1966 Batman series was much more up-lifting, it's bright and campy yes, but at least enjoyable and no one sat around getting all weepy. Even the old cartoons of Spider-Man were much more enjoyable than what it has become now.

What kind of rum are you drinking in Neverland?!?!

Superheroes are not about fun. Superheroes exist to save lives and to fight evil. Evil kills that which you love and threatens really bad things. Spider-Man, being from the 1960s predates Emo. Instead he was the first super to have a conscience and inner monologue. Instead of "oh let me put on colorful tights and fight Hitler and stop giant robots".

You are way off the mark. Batman and Batman Returns did gangbusters beaucoup box office. Batman Forever and Batman and Robin tanked horribly because they tried to be more "bright and cheerful". Why should Batman be cheerful? He watched his parents shot in the face when he was 9! His first Robin saw his parents fall from a trapeze! His second Robin was killed by a bomb! That is real life in action. That is evil and people fighting against it. Instead of Potc style "Barbossa and Davy Jones are kewl because they're evil" fanishness.

Likewise the reboot, Batman Begins, did fantastically! You want an uplifting supers movie? Go watch Fantastic Four or The Incredibles. But they are definately not the norm for comic book style.

Weepy and Emo.... sheesh. This coming from a Barbossa "Oooh look at me, I'm all goth and scary for a creepy old man" fangirl.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

No one wants to see a superhero movie that's all weepy and emo.  It's supposed to be about fun!  That's why the dark Batman movies really don't too well either.  The 1966 Batman series was much more up-lifting, it's bright and campy yes, but at least enjoyable and no one sat around getting all weepy.  Even the old cartoons of Spider-Man were much more enjoyable than what it has become now.

What kind of rum are you drinking in Neverland?!?!

Superheroes are not about fun. Superheroes exist to save lives and to fight evil. Evil kills that which you love and threatens really bad things. Spider-Man, being from the 1960s predates Emo. Instead he was the first super to have a conscience and inner monologue. Instead of "oh let me put on colorful tights and fight Hitler and stop giant robots".

You are way off the mark. Batman and Batman Returns did gangbusters beaucoup box office. Batman Forever and Batman and Robin tanked horribly because they tried to be more "bright and cheerful". Why should Batman be cheerful? He watched his parents shot in the face when he was 9! His first Robin saw his parents fall from a trapeze! His second Robin was killed by a bomb! That is real life in action. That is evil and people fighting against it. Instead of Potc style "Barbossa and Davy Jones are kewl because they're evil" fanishness.

Likewise the reboot, Batman Begins, did fantastically! You want an uplifting supers movie? Go watch Fantastic Four or The Incredibles. But they are definately not the norm for comic book style.

Weepy and Emo.... sheesh. This coming from a Barbossa "Oooh look at me, I'm all goth and scary for a creepy old man" fangirl.

Sorry, but you're wrong! A lot of people want to go and enjoy their movie, not deal with dark and weepy crap! It's too much like reality, movies are supposed to be an escape.

Honestly, why the hell are you even on the board? You don't seem much of a pirates fan at all. You're always negative towards the movie and just everything in general. And about your comment about me: "This coming from a Barbossa "Oooh look at me, I'm all goth and scary for a creepy old man" fangirl" Shove it up your @$$! :ph34r:


What kind of rum are you drinking in Neverland?!?!

Actually mate, if you're going to use this as a comment, remind yourself of the fact that Hook and his crew _do_ drink rum in Neverland.

Superheroes are not about fun.  Superheroes exist to save lives and to fight evil.  Evil kills that which you love and threatens really bad things.  Spider-Man, being from the 1960s predates Emo.  Instead he was the first super to have a conscience and inner monologue.  Instead of "oh let me put on colorful tights and fight Hitler and stop giant robots".

While you have a point there, you need to understand that not everyone enjoys this type of superhero. Tastes differ. You need to respect that.

Some of us like the dark brooding superhero, some of us don't. Personal tastes and all that, just agree to disagree and respect each other's opinion.

I do agree with you that Superheroes are not all about fun, but I do agree with Christine that the comics and the old Batman were more uplifting. Personaly, I enjoy them both, but I can easily understand people only liking one of the two.

You are way off the mark.  Batman and Batman Returns did gangbusters beaucoup box office.  Batman Forever and Batman and Robin tanked horribly because they tried to be more "bright and cheerful".  Why should Batman be cheerful?  He watched his parents shot in the face when he was 9!  His first Robin saw his parents fall from a trapeze!  His second Robin was killed by a bomb!  That is real life in action.  That is evil and people fighting against it.  Instead of Potc style "Barbossa and Davy Jones are kewl because they're evil" fanishness.

Be that as it may, the fact is still that the previous box office record was held by Pirates 2. And there is a very good chance that pirates 3 will kick spidey 3 off as the current recordholder.

There are many kinds of superheroes and supervillians, and thus some people will like those you don't like. C'est la vie, we can't all like the same thing (would be damn bloody boring if we did).

Weepy and Emo.... sheesh.  This coming from a Barbossa "Oooh look at me, I'm all goth and scary for a creepy old man" fangirl.

You know, you were having a valid discussion right up to the point where you felt the need to go for unnecessairy insults to tray to win the arguement. It's completely out of order. People are allowed to be fan of whom they want, and what they want. I don't always agree with them, and you don't have to agree with them, but don't go about insulting them just because you have to be the one everyone agrees with.

Christine may be a Barbossa fangirl (and there's nothing wrong with that), but I've not seen her sling mud at someone for not being one, so don't you go about and be rude to her just because she's not a spidey fan, which you obviously are.

The actors in Spider-3 were not really into their roles and I am even less into that movie. By Neptunes footstool I bet POTC3 will kick arse! Even if zeye have to see it more than once and I will! <_<

I hope so. Even knowing what was coming I was disillusioned with my re-watching of POTC2. I really hope that bring back the cool bit parts for the character actors. It is sorely missing (other than selected members of Jack's crew, of course).

Although Norrington just rocks. You guys can say what you want about Barbossa, but he's pretty shallow as a character. Norrington has the potential to be the most 3D character of them all. (I hope they take advantage of this giving us more of the down-and-dirty Norrington in 3. Although I have a slightly bad feeling about the odds of this actually happening... They need to watch the BSG TV show and see how to give characters levels, shading and Deppth...)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



I am not into comic books but anything comic book related is big stuff. But I do have a feeling that Captain Jack will blow Spiderman off his web.

I will be at the El Capitan for the pirate trilogy. All 3 movies before midnight. Got my tickets all set.

I had read that the showing at 8 does not count for opening day results or is that incorrect?


What kind of rum are you drinking in Neverland?!?!

Superheroes are not about fun. Superheroes exist to save lives and to fight evil. Evil kills that which you love and threatens really bad things. Spider-Man, being from the 1960s predates Emo. Instead he was the first super to have a conscience and inner monologue. Instead of "oh let me put on colorful tights and fight Hitler and stop giant robots".

You are way off the mark. Batman and Batman Returns did gangbusters beaucoup box office. Batman Forever and Batman and Robin tanked horribly because they tried to be more "bright and cheerful". Why should Batman be cheerful? He watched his parents shot in the face when he was 9! His first Robin saw his parents fall from a trapeze! His second Robin was killed by a bomb! That is real life in action. That is evil and people fighting against it. Instead of Potc style "Barbossa and Davy Jones are kewl because they're evil" fanishness.

Likewise the reboot, Batman Begins, did fantastically! You want an uplifting supers movie? Go watch Fantastic Four or The Incredibles. But they are definately not the norm for comic book style.

Weepy and Emo.... sheesh. This coming from a Barbossa "Oooh look at me, I'm all goth and scary for a creepy old man" fangirl.

Your opinion just lost all respect with your dig at Christine. That was totally uncalled for,rude and has no bearing on any comments being made here.

This has nothing to do with Batman,Spiderman or POTC. You are trying to push your opinion on us and we are not interested in "real life" as portrayed in comic book movies.

If you want to get all pyschological about Spiderman, it's more of an internal struggle of evil versus good per Spiderman. And in real life, evil is everywhere and there are no superheroes running down all the bad guys. Murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers exist and not all are caught. Some are never caught. Some are high ranking officials in public offices, politics,schools, churches,synagoges, temples, colleges, and there may not be enough "good" to bring them down.

Don't compare a movie action heroe with real life. Real life heroes are dying in Iraq, Afghanistan...heroes are working hard at discovering cures for cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Aids...heroes are the Red Cross people that travel throughout the world after natural disasters, trying to help people recover from death and destruction. Real life heroes are the men and women in VA hospitals from VietNam,Korea,Gulf and Iraq wars.

I enjoy playing pirates. I love Jack. I love POTC and it does take me into a fantasy world where I can forget my troubles but I come to earth and do things in real life, such as raise a family, work, go to school and volunteer.

And I volunteer with some real life heroes that don't have a home, or family. That the United States citizens condemned upon their return from Vietnam and the government has taken the last government funding from them. Don't tell me about super heroes and real life unless you can speak about the true men and women that are heroes.

I had read that the showing at 8 does not count for opening day results or is that incorrect?

No, it'll count..... <_<

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Oh I am SO sorry. See, I do happen to know the difference between fantasy and reality. I would love a world in which Supers could have wiped out 9/11 and other tragedies. But that is neither here nor there.

Christine... I am on this board because I AM A M'in F'in PIRATE!

I am not a fanboy! I am not a Deppaholic or a Bloomer or whatever folk call themselves nowadays. I have been doing pirate reinactments and related activities for years. I have been a professional pirate since 2001.

That's why I'm on this board.

Do I hate Potc? Have I once said so? No.

Did I not say that it will in fact surpass S-M3? Yes I did.

So if you think this board is just for potc "fangirls" then you are in fact in the wrong. Just like modertors who think they can abuse their powers.

'Nuff Said

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF


Wow, a whole six years of being a professional pirate. That surely gives you the right to be rude, doesn't it? There's a big difference lad between being opinionated and being civil and respectful to others. Perhaps with a few more years under your belt you'll learn that. I hope you don't treat the many pop culture fans you cross in your "professional" world the same way as those on this pub.

'Nough said.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
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  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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