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Pirate Master! So, you want to be a Pyrate!

Cheeky Actress

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I think the remaining women should have buddied up with Joe Don. He was the only male left besides Louie and I believe Joe Don was more able on the treasure hunts. They should have cut Nessa or Louie before giving up what help they could have used as an advantage for the Red Team to get back the Captaincy. ooooh wellll, such is life....good decisions bad decisions.....

Twist, I did not catch that part..hmmmmm :lol:

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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Twist, I did not catch that part..hmmmmm 

The "next week on" clip alluded to the pirates confronting something from their past - my guess is the old castaways have formed a competing crew. Afterall, pretty soon current system will break down - the officer trio will outnumber the crew and whatnot, so something has to change.

The previews also indicated lots of new discontent amongst the officers themselves, and even talk about mutiny.


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Oh yeah "Doh"! I remember now, yeah I was thinking the same thing that peeps that got sent adrift may come back to haunt them....hmmmm tasty twist! And Mutiny...well that will keep a 'cappy' on his boot tips.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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Well last nights TWIST, was sure fun. It is too bad that dorko John lost the key. I would have loved to seen things shook up big time if the Red team had won. Who the heck left John in charge with the key. ....It should have been given to Joe Don to keep. Well it is getting testier on board eh!

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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From a TV show stand point, I think thar be a problem.

Based on how the game be played, the gang of three has such a lock in it t'would be foolish for the officers to agree to mutiny against the Cap'n and will wait til its just the three officers before they go against each other. That thar game situation makes for boring TV.

So, the producers need to be playin up the mutiny aspect on the show and may haps other things to add spice to the viewin.

I am suspectin that the Ghost Crew had not been originally planned, but was introduced as an option after the gang of three had run away with the game. If that be true, thar could be more surprizes in the works.

But that thar blasted fellar needs to be a walkin the plank fer dropping that key, fer sure, fer sure! :rolleyes:



Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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I don't think the ghost crew was an after thought at all, they could have used any ghost crew from any cast they had picked for this show and it would have worked. It is just a monkey wrench tactic they threw in there for the remaining crew.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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You are quite welcome....Ma'am......btw I have run into lots of Florida pirates with white pants.....lol

Must be a Florida thing.... On the other hand, you make yourselves easy pickin's out of a crowd. ;)

I have given this some thought and research. It is my opinion that a pirate is a reflection of his environment. Florida was Spanish and like the other Spanish tropical and sub tropical areas of the Caribbean and Northern South America the typical dress was light colors, particularly white to help reflect the intense heat. Seamen also often wore clothing made from sail cloth. Most countries had bright white sails while English sails were a little more dingy off white. I think that when you see clothing of browns, grays etcâ€Ĥ. they are clothes from Europe and North Americaâ€Ĥ.It must have been terrible for those who tried to wear their Northern Hemisphere clothing in the tropics. It is uncomfortably hot here at least 10 months of the year.


King's Pyrate

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You can watch the full episodes at the CBS site.

Pirate Master

Blast and damn, when I tried to watch the episode I missed, instead of the video playing, the screen just said:

"This content is not available for viewing outside of the United States."

Bloody Canuckaphobes! Is that any way to treat your northern neighbours?! Do you really want to imperil your supply of maple syrup with such a diplomatic incident? We could turn off the pipeline like *that*, you know! And then your morning pancakes would get awfully dry.

And why has no enterprising soul pirated the episode to You Tube yet? Bloody non-pirates!

P.S. King's Pyrate: Just be sure you don't wear those white breeches after Labour Day! It would be gauche.

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This har show has been cancelled!

Har be the low down from Jamaica Rose:




Avast ye, lads and lasses,

We have sad news to announce that CBS has marooned "Pirate Master".

CBS has cancelled the show. Kendra Guffey (Pirate Master participant) tells us:

"CBS Will be showing the final 5 episodes online. It is still

airing in 11 countries!"

Episode 9 is already online at www.cbs.com. Just go to "Full Episodes"

and click on "Pirate Master". Kendra reported, "Ep 9 is online as I

type. They will put up a new episode every Tuesday. Yeah!"

As for writing to CBS to protest, we don't have any specific address

yet. Kendra suggested, "Just write to CBS- they are the ones who pulled

it. I'd say write to whomever is in charge."

She also told us: "No one can take away the awesome 6 week time I had

and the friends I made and all the fun we've had watching it! ... And

I've met a ton of new pirates because of it! Its all good!"

--Jamaica Rose

(Christine Lampe, editor of No Quarter Given)



It be them pirates at CBS be our undoin!


Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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This har show has been cancelled!


Now how am I supposed to amuse myself tonight while Mr. H. is out?

P.S. That's a rhetorical question ... please don't answer it!

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