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Ojai Renaissance Pirate Faire

Click on the Ojai Renaissance Pirate Faire in the lower right hand corner.

Saturday & Sunday

May 12th & 13th, 2007

The picturesque Ojai Valley will again host Renaissance revelers as they re-create a marvelous 16th century European village amidst one of the most scenic settings to be found in the Western United States.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


I'm not sure that the link is set correctly. You are taken to the Lake Casitas Renaissance Faire that seems to have nothing to do with pirates in title or in image . . .

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



The link should take you to the main page for Gold Coast Festivals where you can see they RENAMED the faire to "Ojai Renaissance Pirate Faire". However, when you click on the faire link it does take you to pages from the previous faires (2005 & 2006) that were NOT under the NEW name. Does that make sense?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  • 3 weeks later...

There will be Pirate encampments at this Faire in May as well...

Port Royal Privateers, Port of New Porvidence, plenty of Pirate fun.

Just try keeping them out of ANY Ren Faire these days. (chuckle) :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Aye, I think Rumrunners will be there as well as Port Royal Privateers. I'm looking forward to black powder ship to shore battle. I hope the Privateer makes it.

Oh, and look for me on the Port of New Providence Stage. Thanks to Barracuda D' Morte.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Barber-surgeon said:
Expect the Surgery to be topside next to the main camp this time. :ph34r:

And bar-none.... it be the BEST experience of the Farie!

Never rattle your baber surgeon....

(Baby ratties excluded!) :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  RumbaRue said:
I'll be there with Pirates of Treasure Cove along with Boats and Dead Fred.  :huh:

Back from Ojai, an met all three! Rumba is a wonderful person... er pirate.

I hope those who couldn't make it this time, get the chance in September.


Had to miss this one.

The Pirates of Harbor Bay were booked at KABOOM! the huge firework/concert event up in S.F. on the water by the Bay Bridge.

We did meet and greet and our stage show. MAN was it crowded.

There are tens of thousands in attendance and they ALL seemed to want to pose for pictures. :o

:o We hope everyone had a grand time in Ojai!!! and saved some rum for us in Sept. We will only be there the second weekend, but are hoping to be doing several stage shows as well as the entertainment in our encampment that we are getting a reputation for.


I'll second GOF's request pictures??!!!

Hi GOF! * wave *

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I took pictures, but had to use one of those store bought cameras, so I have to send it in, (has it's own pre-paid mailer) to get the pictures.

Yes, I got pictures of Jacky Tar - oh my ---- he's a real cutie......love-vi.gif

Thankfully we just got our new digital Sony A100 camera on Monday, so as soon as we figure out how to use it, the pictures will be more readily available in the future.


I took pictures of Port of New Providence and then the camera (thankfully, disposable) fell in the water and sank when I was tying up the Privateer.

Jacky Tarr is a cutie! One of my best groupies! :P

It's taken me two days to recover from Ojai. Too much too soon, I think. :P

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Black Hearted Pearl said:
One of my best groupies!

Demoted t' groupie, I thought I was the president o' yer fan club? That's wot I get fer watchin' Plank (BHP's dog).

Aye, the black hearted one had her whole crew wit' her, fine lads all.

  Jacky Tar said:
Demoted t' groupie, I thought I was the president o' yer fan club? That's wot I get fer watchin' Plank (BHP's dog).

Aye, the black hearted one had her whole crew wit' her, fine lads all.

I beg yer forgiveness. Of course you are the Cap'n of me fan club. (However, me mate may have som'in to say about that.) B)

Will you be at Pier Days? If'n so, I will have your marque for you then.

The lads had a grand time. There was a certain fair wench named Lexi that had the oldest wrapped around her finger. Much to the consternation of me middle lad who had core roused her into helping him with his treasure map earlier.

But the oldest won out because he tried to kidnap her from the playground and sell her into slavery. She was mighty upset and got her father involved, so the oldest apologized by giving her a treasure of jewels (a necklace he had won in the treasure hunt.) Me middle one isn't likely to part with his treasure easy, not even for a fair maiden. ;)

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Aye, the surgery was in full swing at Ojai. Was terrorizing and horrifying parents and tykes with bloody, gore-spattered relish. Indeed, the look on one mother's face as her young lad came racing up with a hand-ful of fake blood and a squishy eyeball was priceless! LMAO! And for the first encampment of the season, it was a tade exhausting.

And to our honorable guests Sunday evening, BHP and her man, expect a mini porta-pit to put in an appearance! :o

....too, was heard round the skuttle-butt that due poor placement of vendors vs. musical entertainment, the vendor lost out--coin for his lively-hood lost for being considerate.

The winds at Ojai have changed, and not for the better in me humble opinion. The husband would have gladly used his blunderbuss on several of the ignorant and ill-mannered boaters who seemed more intent on making as much noise as possible while attempting to 'fish'. :o

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

  Barber-surgeon said:
The husband would have gladly used his blunderbuss on several of the ignorant and ill-mannered boaters who seemed more intent on making as much noise as possible while attempting to 'fish'. ;)

Mayhaps we ought to simply put Toes Up on a small raft and send him out with *Greet'n's* next time ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:
Mayhaps we ought to simply put Toes Up on a small raft and send him out with *Greet'n's* next time :P

Oh, 'tis not a matter fer jest, Iron Lady. The husband was seein' blood! Discussin' such things as 'red-neck' fishing tactics--only pitchin' the lit sticks o' dynamite 'INTO' the ignorant bastages boats! Indeed, there were others on the dock who were furious over the going's on of the 'Great American Boat Fishermen'.


"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"


Did anyone get pictures of Plank by chance? My camera fell in the lake, so I have none. If you do, I'd appreciate your sharing.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Black Hearted Pearl said:
Did anyone get pictures of Plank by chance?  My camera fell in the lake, so I have none.

....well...at least the lake be cleaner than the blue sauna-huts...

(Cringing at the thought of someone's past fishing-after-dropped-camera incident... :D )

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

:P Liberte' deserves a new name for that as she will never ever escape it. :D

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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