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  • 4 weeks later...

I've seen the King's Randsom under sail at a few local ponds, but haven't been too impressed with their design. It's something about taking a galleon design and making it far too squat/short along the keel. Good thing the gun ports are mockups and don't open as the one that was sailing a weekend ago would have done a 'Wasa" a couple of times over! :ph34r:

And there's just something intrinsically wrong about a pyrate ship being made out of plastic...wrong, wrong--just wrong! :huh:

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"


Wheels on the bottom do not necessarily indicate its sea- unworthiness: This one has wheels as well, and still it can float (though not r/c, but motor- powered):



"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"

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