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Tainted Pet Food

Lady Alyx

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I know many of you don't watch tv or the news so I thought I would share what's been going on in the news lately about the pet food. Please make sure your pet food is safe.

Please check the main article here from the FDA, they have a listing

to check against. 14 cats and 1 dog has been reported, but one vet did a search on his own and found that on a website he created he received 250 owners stating their pet was ill or had died.

Please check FDA

For me, when ever I get my next doggie I will never buy dog food again unless it is from an organic source for kibble, otherwise with even my last dog I gave her meats that I cooked and she ate kibble only if she was still hungry or wanted a snack.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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I've been watching the issue since the beginning and have been VERY glad that the food my cat eats is not on the recall list. So far, I personally do not know of anyone who's pet is having problems or is eating those recalled foods. Though, I know that there are people here in CR who have lost their pets and pets are in various conditions cause of the tainted food.

It will be interesting what comes of this.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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What I would like to know is WHY do we need to IMPORT "wheat gluten" from China. We are the worlds top growers of grains..why do we have to go some backarsed way to get stuff cheap? F-that...all our food stuffs from now on plus our animals feed should ONLY come from the USA from now on FINAL. Get with it FDA!

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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What I would like to know is WHY do we need to IMPORT "wheat gluten" from China. We are the worlds top growers of grains..why do we have to go some backarsed way to get stuff cheap? F-that...all our food stuffs from now on plus our animals feed should ONLY come from the USA from now on FINAL. Get with it FDA!

Just to be a smart a** about it...

The US is the THIRD largest grower of grains... Russia is number one (yes even post Soviet Russia produces more), and Canada is number two.... :lol:

But you still make a good point, importing items from other countries that are produced at home, just because they are cheaper from the other country because of that country's unfair wages is the underlying issue of a lot more than this problem.

Smart consumerism and "buying American" is still an option just about everyone can make for themselves... But few people choose to pay the sometimes significant amount of more hard earned money to excercise that option... This problem has existed for so long, it is actually getting more and more difficult to even find or buy local goods....

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My family did purchase some of those foods, and unfortunately we've had to put two of our cats to sleep in the past few months. However we only feed our animals canned stuff and there's been no mention of if there were any issues with the canned products as well. So far it's only been the pouches.

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I had heard they did autopsies on some of the animals supposed to have been killed by this food and not all of them actually died from it. (This doesn't absolve the pet food company, but at least they are taking responsibility and trying to do something about it.)

It reminds me of a story I read when I was a kid about mass hysteria over car windshield pitting. (Hey, I looked it up on the web and you can read the whole story here. It's a really interesting story.)

The media would love to have an epidemic to report on and I suspect they puff stuff like this up in the hopes of producing one. They should have reported the problem, but I can't believe that this story is still going on. For your own (and everyone else's) benefit, please take the time to think critically, not emotionally, when you see stuff like this dragged out to this extent.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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Drag on and on...excuse me....I am sorry but people love their pets and they did just increase the friggin list!

There should be more reports in the news on this and congress and the FDA should make sure none of our raw material foodstuffs come from questionable sources even for our animal feedstock. I don't think I will ever buy dog food in the store again now. Dogs and cats are supposed to eat meat anyways not grains. You don't see a wolf or a fox gnawing on wheat fields, if anything nuts and berries.

The Vets of America need to come together to have a national website so they can combine their findings. It is horrible the FDA is still standing by 16 deaths shame on them.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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  • 1 month later...
Sure makes ye wonder bout that box 'o crackers callin' yer name from the cupboard.

Be checkin' yer toothpaste now. I smells the tip of an iceberg when it comes ta findin' how much toxic waste is bein' sold back ta the world.

Few year ago I sent the wife ta buy a bag of lava rock fer the fish pond filter. She come back wi' a bag 'o reddish ornamantal rock imported from China. Wasn't gonna work in the filter so's we used it as ornamental rock in the garden. Come the first rain the stuff up an floated away. Wasn't rock at all but some sort of dyed plastic residue.

Me thinks their industrial revolution be out of control :lol:

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

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Yeah, diethylene glycol again. A Chinese chemical entrepreneur sold that as glycerine for use in cough syrup, and killed some horrible number of people in Bangladesh and Panama. Now it's showing up in toothpaste.

Somebody seriously needs to be fed his own product until he dies, a victim of his own malfeasance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Courtesy of our "most favored tradin' partner", lead based paints be makin' there way inta yer kids invironment. Feels kinda sad ta put Thomas the Tank Engine inta the hazardous waste bin :blink:

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

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