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This is crossposted from my 18th Century womens list. I know we have a few that are over in England and Europe. Can you keep an eye thanks. Kathryn

This is a long shot but I'm spreading the word. A friend of mine-

professional sewer- had her car broken into and a large bag stolen

last week. The car was outside her home, (in Northern England) she

was just about to go to the Re-enactors fair and the bag was full of

exhibits for a corset and stays exhibition:- ( (unfinished, new and


It is very unlikely that the thief or thieves have any idea of the

value of what they have- it is more than likely that they were just

thrown away but just in case- please keep your eyes out for

professional made stays/corsets (mostly 18th century but some earlier

and later) that may turn up on auction sites etc.

Thankfully they didn't take the almost finished silk wedding mantua -

but they did get the new stays to go with it! and several other

friends who had lent their stays for the display will have to revert

to old ones for the beginning of the season.


Judith in England

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