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I've seen many pretty and/or funny and/or very poetic signatures. I have my opinions about them, but how are yours???

How the "game" works is simple: you just post what u think about the (current) signature of the user's ssignature that posted above u.


Black Anne Rose: ^like it ^.^

Someone That Is Also A Member: ^Nah, don't really like it, sorry


Black Anne Rose: ^like it ^.^

Someone That Is Also A Member: ^awesome!!!

This topic is not meant for insults, just to get to know what ppl think... or smthn like that... :D

please do not insult each other. u can say u dont really like it, but explain y u dont or y u do

Well... who begins???



The rose came alive,

Coloured deeply red,

The boy just arrived,

And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.


Hi, Black Anne:

^ I love the colours, especially the sepia/sunset/blood-tinted parchment background with its pen & ink scrawl. The flag, the rose, and the ship are all wonderful motifs. The only thing I don't like is the white lettering of "Black Anne Rose" on top of all that. The font itself is wonderful, but it obscures the images behind and muddles the overall visual effect. It's also a bit redundant, as the flag on the left already has your name. So, I would separate that white lettering out from your signature, and use it somewhere else.

v As for my own signature, well, you can tell I was in a bit of a snit when I chose it. [Although, I also do love Chrissie Hynde's piratical punk-poet attitude.] I was actually expecting a bit of grief from the moderators over it, but no one complained (that I know of). Anyhow, I think I'm pretty much over my snit and am ready to change my signature to something more demure now. And, I might as well start participating here again, as you bloody pirates can't be any ruder than that lot of folk-rock Brits I've been hanging out with lately.

Cheers, Hester



please take a look at hester's lovely signature. better not judge mine anymore, as mine has already been.

I might be out of date, but I don't know her. But I like the girl's style, matches mine a bit B)

so please, do not judge my, but hester's signature now

ps i love ur avatar too!!! (sorry, out off topic xP)



The rose came alive,

Coloured deeply red,

The boy just arrived,

And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.


Black Anne Rose, I think you may have a good idea, but the "game" concept is a tad confusing.

Mayhaps we should just make this an open post to comment on signatures? (Well, where it is appropriate. Many of them are just Photoshopped pictures or links or comments on the user's role in pyracy, so those are harder to comment on.)

For example, I never quite got Duchess' old signature, "Live while life is, die when death comes." (I don't know if I have it quite right, but it's close - the signature is no longer being used.) I rolled it around in my mind and couldn't quite fully grasp it for some reason. Is this basically a statement of the concept, "Live in the moment" or "Don't fear the reaper" or a combination of both? Or is it really quite simple and I'm making much ado about nothing?

A favorite signature I recall was one that used to be used and is no longer (I believe it was Red-Handed Jill's): "Specialization is for insects" which is part of Robert A. Heinlein's longer quote,

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

(Which is actually from Heinlein's book A Time for Love. So it's really part of a 608 page quote, to be accurate.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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