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Well I have a new cat. My best friend Osa”s neighbor died suddenly and his girlfriend was left with his 3 cats plus her own 3 cats in a single apartment. She found a home for all but one and was going to take her to the animal shelter if I didn’t take her. She’s 6 years old a brown/grey tuxedo tabby. She beautiful, sweet, gentle and very affectionate. I’m her 3rd human.

Her given name I am sad to say is Chubby. Yes she isn’t the svelteist kitty around but how mean to name her Chubby! I am trying to wean her off the name and I want to rename her Bouhaki the oldest known cat name. Bou is ancient Egyptian for house and haki means ruler. Yes those Egyptians understood. ;-)

Please all welcome the newest ship’s cat!



Hail Maria and welcome to yer new furry shipmate! I am sure she will be a fine mouser/ratter aboard!

My g/f's bro's ex-g/f found a stray pup in a not so good an area awhile back and brought him home, she gave him the lame name of Squirt...which I hate and does not suit him. I call him Bobby, he still responds..since I always bring him goodies and toys..lol!

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


Red Maria, only ye would come up wit' an Egyptian house cat name.

Begs the question, does she walk like an Egyptian?

Jacky my last cat was named Grimalkin which is MiFdle English for grey cat, which he was. I can't silly names like Socks or Fluffy for cats. All cats walk like an Egyptian because the rmember they were worshipped as Gods once by them. B) :)

Hail Maria and welcome to yer new furry shipmate! I am sure she will be a fine mouser/ratter aboard!

My g/f's bro's ex-g/f found a stray pup in a not so good an area awhile back and brought him home, she gave him the lame name of Squirt...which I hate and does not suit him. I call him Bobby, he still responds..since I always bring him goodies and toys..lol!

Mouser yes ratter no. Too many people in PRP have rattie friends and I like their rattie friends. :) Ditto on silly dog names.


Well I like rats too...my g/f from high school had rats. The family had a zoo always ....lol! Her rats tail would zip around and around like a helicopter propeller whenever you picked him up.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


;) From one ship's CAt to another...welcome! ;)

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Congrats on the newest addition to your household.

I name my cats after gems and semi-precious stones: Amber, Diamond, Jet, and Opal. Jet and Opal are the current housekitties.

Opal is also not svelt and her nicknames include "Chunky Munky" "Chubniks" and "747 Wide body". All said with love and affection. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


But cats is cats.....

OK.... so the cat that came with the house is happly sleeping inside on the bed tonight... hey... he can survive outside also....... (there are some parts that "Cat Lovers of the World" and I dissagree with...)

And he Meeeeeeaous way too loud.....

And he wants on my lap everytime I sit down outside.....

I think it's the fact that for whatever reason God decided to bless him with a really loud Purr box.......

He just sound so dang appreacitive for being let inside.........

(well and scratched behind the ear)......

Awh heck........ why do you think he's sleeping inside and on my bed tonight..........

dang cat........

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