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Gypsy nothing more then pirate on land?


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So I was talking with a ren fair friend of mine. It started out like this, I wanted to go to a fair and be apart of it but I don't have my swag yet so my friend was telling me it's very easy to put together a Gypsy outfit.

Then I told them that I love pirates and don't want to stray from that and they told me Gypsy's are nothing more then pirates of the land. They rob and pillage just the same.

What do you think about this statement?

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Gypsy's are nothing more then pirates of the land. They rob and pillage just the same.

Stealing chickens and running fortune telling scams are a far cry from pyracy.

I'll have what your friends been drinkin".


As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.


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Gut reaction? Little knowledge of Gypsy's. A bit more knowledge of Pirates. BIG difference. If I am correct, and I usually am :lol: , Pirates and privateers were more dangerous and faced more dangers.

As to dressing for the Fair, Pirate garb is simply seafaring garb so it is easy. Additionally, as has been pointed out in the past, Renn Pirates and GAoP pirates differ immensely.

Additionally, I believe there is a discussion about Gypsy's and Renn Fairs but that is another thread.

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Gypsys more properly called Rom are an ethinic group. Originally Dravidan people from Northern India pushed out by the Aryan invasions (Indo-European people not Nazis) who wondered from India through Central Asia to the Middle East to Northern Africa through Turkey and by both ways into Europe.

Being outsiders they were reagrded with fear and as inferior. Subsequently they had to make a living as best they could. Horses, fortune telling and yes the occasional theft. They have their own language and belielfs. They are very different from pirates in every sense of the word. Whoever said they were the same is an bigoted, ignorant idiot.

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About the only similarity is an accidental one: namely, if you aren't careful when throwing together a quick pirate getup, it is very easy to end up looking like a Gypsy without meaning to. A headscarf here, a waist sash there, and ... oops! You will recognize it in the mirror when it happens.

Your friend may have meant, "Oh, just do a Gypsy outfit out of what's in your closet already, and you'll fit in fine." It's probably close enough to get you through a couple days of fun at a Faire (at least as a patron, especially on little to no budget), but the difference is distinct, for when you want to put together something permanent and correct.

As far as the history goes, as others have pointed out, there are no ethnic connections between the Rom and "Pirates with a capital P," as it were. An English Pirate would dress like an Englishman, (an English seaman, to be specific), not as a Gypsy.

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I took the terst and here's what I got:

No idea.

You scored 49% Gypsanity and 50% Piratitude

Nice costume. Uh...Could go either way. Let me buy you a drink and we'll discuss it

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Gypsanity

You scored higher than 99% on Piratitude

I really liked the question about singing. My answer :

My friends and I sing in a group, and whole crowds join in. The songs are easy, funny, and memorable.

You don't know how true this is! :) ;)

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Gypsys more properly called Rom are an ethinic group. Originally Dravidan people from Northern India pushed out by the Aryan invasions (Indo-European people not Nazis) who wondered from India through Central Asia to the Middle East to Northern Africa through Turkey and by both ways into Europe.

Being outsiders they were reagrded with fear and as inferior. Subsequently they had to make a living as best they could. Horses, fortune telling and yes the occasional theft. They have their own language and belielfs. They are very different from pirates in every sense of the word.   Whoever said they were the same is an bigoted, ignorant idiot.

Bravo, Red Maria! This is a subject quite near and dear to my heart.

The Rom / Romani are historically stated to have begun migrations into the European area in approximatly the 12th Century. Their culture is quite rich with a depth that is awe inspiring.

There is much Mythos that encircles the Romani, very much like the faux representations of Piracy. What is generally held knowledge is untruth generated to create distrust of the Clans / Tribes. They have suffered persecution, ( and still do, in the modern age), in ways that rival the treatment of the Jewish and Native American Peoples.

I have been researching the Rom Culture for approximately a year and have found it to be a subject of many facets and rich traditions. (Trying to keep from getting fevered, I could easily write a tome rivaling "War and Peace.) ;)

I highly recommend the following sites if one were interested in the truths behind the culture, versus the Mythos created out of narrow minded fear and prejudice...


Romani Organization

( I need make note....In regard to the fictionalization that I have developed in "Port Royal"....I have taken liberties. None has been written with any intent of disrespect to the Rom and their way; beliefs or Traditions.)

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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unfortunatly there are myths and misguided judgements rampret when dealing with either group. an like most folktales often take o'er fact.

just a wee thought on my part

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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:lol: reminds me of Chocolat. the lovely and hansome Johnny Depp *sigh* who played Roux, was in the movie gypsy on water... or just synonimous pirate. Don't know much bout gypsies though... u guys may tell :rolleyes:



The rose came alive,

Coloured deeply red,

The boy just arrived,

And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.

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As this thread got started I as well did some research on the gypsies and the Rom peoples. It is very interesting, as I have always loved the gypsy culture as well. I started embellishing my pirate garb with a coin hipscave just for grins..since I love belly dancing as well as pirating.

From being involved with beginning belly dance I have found how that (one aspect of belly dance) was intertwined with the gypsies.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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Ninja Pyrates are just as historically accurate as Gypsy Pyrates, and a heck of a lot cooler because.......


They can dress all in black......

They can drink sake AND rum......

They are really good at quietly sneaking up on Spanish ships......

If anyone tells then they are not period, they can hit that person with a throwing star, or a flash bomb........

They don't need to read your palm, tealeaves, or tarot cards, to tell your future, and they just use poison......

They can carry a katana AND a cutlass......

They wouldn't be caught dead wearing a bright red satin Seinfield Puffy shirt.......

Gypsy Belly Dancing Pyrates may be fun to watch.... But everyone knows that only the truly cool can be a Ninja Pyrate.


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Awh come on..........

did the Ninja Pyrates scare all the wimpy gypsy pyrates away.......

no post here in three days....

Must have happened......

Whimppy gypsys...... (well other than the bellydancers.....)

So to ansewer the question..... are gypsys nothing more than pyrates on land..... no... they are missing thier (PG-13 Mode ON)

Ninja Pyrates rule.........

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My Bosse's shop got hit by gypsys once.... kind sucks that you have two choices.... let them go or shoot them all....

They might sound kinda fun/romantic.... but if you ever met one of them......... *&%$ the ba*%#$#s.........

At least Pyrates have the *^$$) to do the job right......

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So I was talking with a ren fair friend of mine. It started out like this, I wanted to go to a fair and be apart of it but I don't have my swag yet so my friend was telling me it's very easy to put together a Gypsy outfit.

Then I told them that I love pirates and don't want to stray from that and they told me Gypsy's are nothing more then pirates of the land. They rob and pillage just the same.

What do you think about this statement?

Funny enough I live with some people that are Gypsies for SCA, and they constantly call me a Sea Gypsy. Then I call them land pirates.


Mark my words though stay away from the Gypsies, they are nothing but trouble, just ask the crew of the Stranglehold.

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