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Bloody wrinkles!! Thar best be a fine an proper explanation for this wicked an unproper attack on poor ol Barquentine! I didn't crawl through the crap clogged bowels of a bloated blue whale to be molested by the likes o 'ee!!

Hells blood and gallstones!! I guess you fetid shanks of mephitic gerbal refuse think ye pulled one on the "ol Barq" but I'll say this!

Next one of 'ee worm bitten grub heathens finds 'emselves stirrin in a liquor induced puddle of bile 'n turnips, ye best be checkin yer gender!

Here poor 'ol Barquentine comes in yer midst all peaceful an gracious, like an angel an looky what happens! Pah! (spits)

An another thing! Whoever the regurgitated ass-eel is that carved "suck it" on my Virgin Mary owes me a new figurehead! It aint proper (You stinking strand of filthy mongoose slobber) to be puttin a knife to a woman ass! -even if it be made of teak!



" tis an ill wind that blows no man any good."

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