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Sparrow's Pyrate Queen

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About Sparrow's Pyrate Queen

  • Birthday 11/12/1982
  1. Some of my favorites: Tim Curry from Muppet Treasure Island Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook Robert Newton's Long John Silver Capts. Sparrow and Barbossa Taggart from GQ Han Solo (why not?) Also from PotC... Pintel and Ragetti Though it's not specifically stated that she's a pirate, I also liked Zoe Saldana's Anamaria
  2. He will be if Johnny gets 'is way. From IMDB.com: Depp Wants Richards to Appear in 'Pirates' Sequel Johnny Depp reportedly wants Rolling Stones rocker Keith Richards to appear in the Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl sequel - as his father. The hunky star famously based his character Jack Sparrow on the aged rocker in the celebrated film, and wants to pay tribute to Richards by landing him a role in the follow-up. A source says, "Johnny was slightly embarrassed by all the praise for Pirates because he was really just being Keith. A good way of thanking Keith would be to get him to do a walk-on in the sequel."
  3. I just read about it on ew.com, and I've voted at the MTV site already.
  4. Just a little quote from Johnny. Thought it'd be interestin'. From Ananova.com
  5. Though I was hopin' Johnny would win (what proper pirate wouldn't?), I'm just glad Bill Murray didn' win. As fer the Keisha Castle-Hughes bit, if I were her, I would 'ave liked the meetin' to be...more natural. The girl seemed right nervous an' a little embarassed. (Maybe it's just me imaginaton.) Did 'e look terrific last night or what? Wow! 'ere's to next year, Johnny!! What's this now, Bess? "Shocked and ... stunned"? Too bad ye can't give us any specifics.
  6. But who would be playin' Jack? I imagine Johnny be too busy fer a TV series, and I can't see anyone else in that role.
  7. Johnny Depp won the SAG award for Best Actor! Cheers to Cap'n Sparrow
  8. Ye can find a great video here. Just click on the POTC square on the left, then click on "Fanvids" at the top on the right.
  9. Happy New Year, mates!
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