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About StichWitchJane

  • Birthday 04/21/1990

Profile Information

  • Location
    Central west Florida on the coast, United States
  • Interests
    Hmm, where to start? Reading, writing, pyracy, reading about swords, fanfiction, drawing, playing piano, singing, guitar.
  1. Hi everybody! I just got back from Gasparilla, though I was just watchin'. The floats were awesome, and I hope I saw some of ye scallywags there.
  2. That be a decent question there, Joshua. Perhaps he didn't want dear Elizabeth to know they was cursed. Or perhaps is be for the sake of the plot. Who knows? Only the director and the crew of the movie. Cheers! Jane
  3. [insert something witty here] Arr, me carvin' be quite creative, eh? Here y' are, Royaliste and anyone else who has a fancy for rum. Jane brought the rum!
  4. I am thinking of building a miniature boat, do you know where I could find plans? ::big pyrate puppy eyes:: Help please! , Jane
  5. How might I go about makin' me some of this stuff? I have a limited budget, and being a thrifty sort, I learned to sew. So can anyone show me some patterns? Preferably with pictures of the end results. This pyrate will be most eternally grateful to you! Thank'ee in advance! :)
  6. Why, thank'ee, Nigel. Arrr, my wooden leg It be aching something fierce Which does not make sense Because it has no Nerves to ache when it gets hurt Arrr, I love my grog "A poem for the introspective pyrate." -My sister, a non-pyrate, but ya got to love her! ph34r the l33t pyr4t3!
  7. ::looks around furtively and sneaks over to wall:: Jane Is Wacko I like spreading true rumors about meself, 'tis fun!
  8. Cap'n Tito, that be wonderful. Here's my pathetic attempt: Pyrates on a board Discuss'n all things nautical I love pyrates One for you guys! It be 5-8-4, but totals out to be 17 syllables anyways. Arrrgh! Jane
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