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Posts posted by Sweeney

  1. Depends on who you talk to. I do however have a taste for a good blade or two....and you are in luck!

    My booty comes with a free shave.......you'll be smiling ear to ear, promise mate. :unsure:

  2. Well it won't be long till this lakefish be headed that way anyway.... the west coast as been callin me name for some time. I think its about time to answer it.

    Till then.... erie won't know what hit it. *chuckle*

  3. *chuckle* Is that a fact? Well they don't call me Sweeney because mum didn't teach me manners. I'll get ya two glasses, and an Ale for myself.

    To be up on the up and up really I ain't apart of no crew. How many groups you know of? I ave to admit I have found it rather hard to locate anybody. I consider the area a rather dry and borin area....the good stories here are far and few between. Its the ones that take place far from 'ome that I take a shine to. I've sailed the waters of Jamaica even been in the presence of a few emperors and kings....

    *Raises mug*

  4. Closets port to myself is Toledo. However, Sandusky has been me second 'ome really. Been on the Erie waters of the lake most my life.

    However don't let my age fool you. I've seen more in me 26 years that most people ain't seen in a lifetime. I got a story to go with any topic....some of em even true.

  5. Greetings!

    I am a 26 year old male just south of Lake Erie in Ohio. How did I not find this place before?! I have always looked for the pirate lifestyle and I am rather excited to be here. From actual role playing pirates to the general discussion!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

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