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Abdikarim Mohamed

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Everything posted by Abdikarim Mohamed

  1. Ah, my dear Captain Sterling. Your witty comebacks have made this more of an entertainment for me to come back with anticipation on some very fine reading and less than a recruiting venture. I could see that in your true identity that your character is a pirate hunter? Very charming. As far as the "voice" in my head? Not my own (or so I think) but, I think it could be the voice from higher powers. I usually can tell the difference. Evil...my own thoughts. Good thoughts....not mine. Miss Lady Barbossa, your message has hit me very clearly and I thank you. Why here? In a public domain? Not scared of really anything that physically exists here on earth. Again, I found this site and really thought having a few Americans would be a great public and political message to my people. Wanna-be-hero? More of a true countryman and I am loved by all who have met or known me. Captain Sterling, you seemed well versed in your history. Didn't pirates "of the golden age" have the grand allure of a modern day "American Rock and Roll" true icon hero pesona?
  2. Ah my dear Captain Sterling, thank you for your insight. Interesting indeed. Yes, I do know about the pirate hunters back in the day. Currently? No such thing. Just kids playing with guns riding in their little rubber boats. I do find it humorous if a person has a name "Mohammed" or "Barack" they are immediately labeled a Muslim by the general population. Yes Captain Sterling, the Muslim population is very heavy here in Somalia, but I do not hold those values. I just heed upon the voice in my head. I think this is why I am still alive to this day. As far as advertising? Yes, I do agree with you. Not too familiar with American based websites, I should have read more in-depth. Really, I was hoping to have a few American Men assist me in my ventures. I thought it would have been good publicity for me. Don't you think?
  3. Strange to receive these responses. I was expecting several men to gladly sign up as a living breathing sea faring crew member of the most elite crew in the world! My humble apologies folks. I should have read more into this page before I made my initial announcement. I should have known that this was a page for reenactors and not men seeking the true life of a Pirate. Or in my words, an honest sailing businessman. Now that I am here, I feel I should answer any "need-to-know" questions that has arisen in the prior posts. Lady Barbossa, thank you for your insight and education. My ventures take me where my vessel floats. However, I do stay within a few hundred miles off of the coast of Somalia and have ventured near the horn. As far as the "Pirates of the Golden Age?" Yes, I have modeled myself through many characteristics of well known dearly departed "Brethern of the coast." Mad L: Weapons? The cannon you speak of is known as the "RPG." The cutlass you refer to is a Machete, and the Flintlock is a deadly accurate AK-47. The difference between the RPG and the cannon? The RPG you can hold over your shoulder and aim at a small target. Granted, we have never shot a vessel with it...just put a scare into them so they stop and surrender. The Flag I sail is the flag that matches the vessel I quietly approach. Rumba, Spam? I certainly hope my message did not implore spam... Captain Sterling. Is there such a thing? Pirate Hunters? I do have issues with these heavily armed John Wayne Security Forces that shoot first before they even realize what they are shooting at. My last Comment back to Lady Barbossa. Devilish souls? No, I think not. This is the work of God. I am here on this Earth as a ministry to humble the rich man and take care of God's chosen. Remember, a rich man entering the gates of Heaven is like the Camel going trough the eye of a needle. I am just here to broaden the path of Heaven to the rich man. Don't you think it is sickening that a man can spend $60,000,000.00 on a "pleasurable" Yacht ride to Africa? In the long run, the rich man will thank me for "showing him the light." Praise be to Highest!
  4. Greetings to all, my name is Abdikarim. However, my friends call me "Dik" (pronounced "Deek"). I am what you call a "true businessman" who unfortunately resides in a poverty stricken area in a small town called Merka a couple hundred kilometers from Somalia. I try to assist my townspeople financially in anyway I can. So, I guess I have been named the modern day "Robin Hood" of my land. I currently own several yachts. My newest addition is a 140' foot yacht called the "Dubbe" and I am in need of some crew members to man the Dubbe and assist me with my business dealings. Unfortunately, some of my original crew had very poor business skills and were arrested for some unwantings and misunderstandings back in late 2006. Well, here I am now with a beautiful Yacht and cash to boot my business ventures. Not am I only recruiting from my area, but I thought it would be good business to have American men be part of my crew. Men looking for "high-seas" adventure and advancement. Through our business ventures, you would make a high amount of money and you would be supplied prime grade-A weapondry to protect yourself from any non-complying participants. I certainly hope this is the right calling place for me to announce this grand and exciting news. This is a "Pirate's web page" yes? Again, I am not a "Pirate Leader" as the media puts it nor am I a terrorist. I just happen to be a good businessman owning a merchant marine service. I am American educated and I will certainly treat my American friends with great honor and respect. Thank you for your assistance.
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