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Everything posted by andelew

  1. Congrats on the release, I will definatly give it a look see..
  2. Aye picked meself up some o d plunder from the ocean challange from Disney, bet its a little cheaper this way.
  3. ifn the fine lassy miss bunnycutless be in ta faire Calanar Ill plunder one.
  4. interesting to be sure
  5. t'nk ye kindly me sweet cap'n a watchful Ill keep for sure
  6. ah yes the pyrates of LDS plundering bible verse at a port ner ye soon...
  7. Eye looks like a picture fo me future x wife to be sure..
  8. wow now ye have this ole salts curiouosity peaked as well
  9. Capn Dan sent me a friends request so I accepted cause I like the name, well he is hilarious, not sure if thats what he was going for, but I like it
  10. Aye for those of us who dont frequent the forum but have been around a while, what be the name of this Gem?
  11. Not enough decks to have dups yet, but hope to be there soon, will post when I have some to trade.
  12. Ey to steeling the clothes of thier silver spoon backs here here
  13. I am enjoying seeing the blogs by Captain Cayard, it is exciting getting to watch the BlackPearl from before she was built until the finish of the race.
  14. Where is a good place to find these movies of which you speak?
  15. I definatly look forward to playing sid meyers pirates , but I want to finish this game first. I tried to talk to clement in the blue room but could not talk to him any other advice?
  16. thank ye, ill be sure to give that a go.
  17. Hello, I am sure this has been talked about alot, so I hope its not over kill. I have been playing the pirates of the caribean game on X-box, I dont have as much time to spend on the game as I would like, howevre I am in the alcave on khael roa. I am in the room with the blue light and quite frankly have no idea what to do next...????? Anyone please help a humble pyrate musician..
  18. That game board is amazing, a friend and I are talking about doing something like that, so I will definatly check out that web site also.
  19. Im not sure where everyone is but I actually got mine at the local quick trip (QT) convenience store. you might try somewhere like that around your area.
  20. thanks, for the link to keep to the code, good site. Also all the news about the movie is great, just what sailing the cyber seas should be.
  21. Well the ways I see it this coould be a good thing Capn' Andrea Agassi came on the Tennis scene wearing wild colours and long hair and everyone stepped back. He was even penalized for his clothing at first, now everyone is doing it. Tiger Woods did kind of the same thing to golf, and maybe having the likes of Depp and others on board a big time snobby yacht will attract attention from all walks of life and then soon the world of yachting wont be for just the snobs anymore. well unless you actually have to own one to get invited in...
  22. Richard Simmons walking the plank was priceless
  23. Saw the video and loved it good for her. I think Gwen is one of the best female frontman out there. She rocks
  24. Nice boots they awt ta keep the toes safe from the bottom feeders
  25. ye knw I have oft toyd with the idea meself, has anyone here ever built a boat?
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