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QtrMaster Bacchus

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About QtrMaster Bacchus

  • Birthday 04/24/1981

Profile Information

  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Interests
    Weird politics, weird science, weird religions
  1. A pirate named Captain Bellamy made this speech to the captain of a merchant vessel he had just taken as a prize. The captain of the merchant vessel had just declined an invitation to join the pirate crew: "I am sorry they won't let you have your Sloop again, for I scorn to do any one a Mischief, when it is not for my Advantage; damn the Sloop, we must sink her, and she might be of Use to you. Tho', damn ye, you are a sneaking Puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by Laws which rich Men have made for their own Security, for the cowardly Whelps have not the Courage otherwise to defend what they get by their Knavery; but damn ye altogether: Damn them for a Pack of crafty Rascals, and you, who serve them, for a Parcel of hen-hearted Numskuls. They villify us, the Scoundrels do, when there is only this Difference, they rob the Poor under the Cover of Law, forsooth, and we plunder the Rich under the Protection of our own Courage; had you not better make One of us, than sneak after the Arses of those Villains for Employment?" When the captain replied that his conscience would not let him break the laws of God and man, the pirate Bellamy continued: "You are a devilish Conscience Rascal, damn ye, I am a free Prince, and I have as much Authority to make War on the whole World, as he who has a hundred Sail of Ships at Sea, and an Army of 100,000 Men in the Field; and this my Conscience tells me; but there is no arguing with such sniveling Puppies, who allow Superiors to kick them about Deck at Pleasure."
  2. I hate you now. I 've been looking for that one for 2 years now. Another good pirate book is The guardship, and the sequels, the Blackbirder and The Pirate Round, all by James L. Nelson
  3. I personally think that that was illustrating the truth of the tales, and he was being sarcastic. The brand was from when he escaped 7 officers of the east india company, the scars on his chest from when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...
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