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  1. Uh, so I take it you're happy about this development????
  2. Arrrr, I have to be waitin' fer December 2nd.
  3. Do you think they will finally do Hook justice? I mean, the film makes the statement that he is the most evil, vile pirate who ever lived. Hope they do him justice. Arrrr
  4. There is a new pirate comic called El Cazador out there. It is EXTEMELY well done. Some of you may want to check it out. Look up CrossGen Entertainment. There isn't much info on it there, but let me assure you that it is an excellent read!
  5. The darker the better. Arrrrrrrrr
  6. Dreamie, I LOVE your work. Not dark and gritty enough for this project, but perfect for my next project. It's a secret, hehehe :)
  7. I grew up in the Tampa area, so we had season passes. I went with my best friend and his mom one time and we rode POTC 5 times. Memoooooooooories! I would have rather watched the movie than be where I was.
  8. Yes, that's right. I haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean yet. I can hardly wait to see it on December 2nd. I am in the Army and was deployed when it came out. I haven't been so excited to see a movie in years! I always rode the ride at Disney World three or four times when I lived in Florida. My parents would say "again?!" Ah well, I have heard the reviews and everyone here seems to be in love with the movie which only deepens my yearning to see this film.
  9. If you wouldn't mind, have her e-mail me some of her work at: bartholomewroberts@pyracy.com Thanks!
  10. Not everyone is blessed with the talent to draw. That's why I'm looking for someone who can.
  11. I downloaded it too, and it is awesome! I listen to it while I'm writing my pyrate stories; puts me in the mood. EXCELLENT soundtrack! Beautifully enhances a visually stimulating movie, and stands alone as a masterpiece! If you don't have it, what are ye a waiting for?
  12. Definately not, but thanks anyway!
  13. Er.........that's bartholomewroberts@pyracy.com
  14. This is Black Bart's Ghost again. I am still looking for an artist who loves to draw pirates. This story is going to be a twelve issue mini-series, but I have plans for a spin off if reader response is good. It is historical fiction, and I strive to get the larger details right and put my spin on the rest. If you're interested, e-mail me @bartholomewroberts@piracy.com
  15. Hey there, pyrate illustrators. I am writing a pyrate story that will be a twelve issue mini-series. I am pitching it to some large companies, so there is no pay til it gets picked up. It will be a great opportunity to get your work out there. Here's a brief description: Dead Men Tell No Tales written by Dwight L. MacPherson In 1698, Captain William Kidd captures the Armenian vessel, the Quedagh Merchant. Along with the loot, Kidd discovers an ancient map thought to date back to the 1300s. Kidd was forced to leave the Quedagh Merchant off the island of Hispanola, and was hanged from the gallows in England...never to return to discover that the ancient map would lead to the greatest treasure ever known. As part of Kidd's crew waited with the captured vessel, it was boarded and taken by the notorious Edward Teach, who was known as the dreaded Blackbeard. Blackbeard examined the map closely, and became driven to the brink of madness to solve its riddle. One evening while out drinking in Barbados, one of Blackbeard's most trusted men reveals the map's existence while in a drunken stupor to none other than Bartholomew Roberts......the dreaded Black Bart. What ensues is a race to capture the most elusive treasure known to mankind. It will be a battle that takes the pirates and their crews around the world and finally off the shores of North America. It will try the two men's souls; one man will claim the prize, while the other will meet his bloody end. But how long will the victor enjoy the prize before death claims him too? And what will become of the world's greatest, mystery shrouded treasure? Finally, now, the world will know the tale that dead men can not tell. Dead men tell no tales. If you are interested, please e-mail me at: bartholomewroberts@pyracy.com Please, only serious artists need apply. I have character bios and vital stats ready to send.
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