Charity Sweetlove
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Everything posted by Charity Sweetlove
Must to more research, but I seem to remember that there's a big sea shanty festival thingy that goes on in San Diego at the Star of India. *thinks* Dana point Tall Ship festival had some folks singing Shanties too. though again my mind is just adrift on the tide so I can't remember dates or anything like that *is sad* *wanders off to console self with more rum*
So, last night Cookie and me latest cabin boy were watching movies and for a giggle we tossed in Zorro, the Gay Blade. Nope, in no way was it a pirate movie but there certainly was lots of fencing going on in it. The opening sceen, five against one. Ok, it's campy b-movie fencing, the foils went wubba wubba boiiing! but they were fencing! with style, with cuts and thrusts and nifty camera angles but hey the best part? The snappy one liners. As displayed later on in the movie during the first masquerade. The Alcalde says something to the effect of "yadda yadda yadda....my friend." to which Zorro replies: "I would have to be more than that, I would also have to be stupid to be your friend." then he flashes that hero George Hamilton smile. Call me sober (and currently can't think of a worse fate than that for a pirate) but there's something to be said for the art of witty comments. *giggles and then wanders on off doing the "Running and jumping and walking in place, then running and jumping and walking in place" bit*
Elainiac, *impishly grins* Lass with the shoe on her head eh? *makes a mental note of that and shall bop on by then* *goes in stealth mode, wearing a cat mask* Beware, for thy laces are about to be stalked!
Those of you ported in So. Calif.
Charity Sweetlove replied to Rumrunner-of-the-SpanishMain's topic in Event Discussions
Just throwing my two bits in on the getting rid of the whole sea dogs and what not. For folks that used to go to fair waaay back they also had living environments for various guilds to stay at. I remember the Sea Dog's ship, the Scotts guild encampment (sometimes complete with sheep and bagpipes) right across from the Puritans (who had their tower they could climb up and then preach about all the sinners who were walking below them) (The Puritans and Scotts also had the best over the heads of the patrons food fights! *also loved the way that they'd get into 'fights' with Puritans quoting scripture and the Scotts Growling back Gaelic Song lyrics ~They sounded really dirty when they were spoken and not sung~) and all sorts of other guilds. *misses the Scott's guild and the cute guys in kilts* *tries to think* That was five years ago maybe seven? *refueses to guess higher numbers because it couldn't possibly be that long ago and make me feel like a grandmama recalling her salad days* At any rate, sometime, about the same time Braveheart came out, there was a decision made to get rid of the living environments and make more room for merchents. It wasn't just the 'dogs that were ousted, though I think they were one of the more visibly missing guilds. Ok, so I'll do the caveat thing and say that's what I heard according to rumor. I know the front of fair has some living quarters, but it's just not the same. Nobility's fun to look at an what not, but how can they compare against the Sea Dogs and their gigging or the Scott's Sheep? *baa's in giggling memory* *toddles off for a bit now to sit in a corner and drink some spiced rum and dream of days of yore* -
*perks up ears at this* That suddenly reminded me of a song called "The Amsterdan Maid" *scritches scalp and thinks* Cho: A roving, A roving, I'll go no more a roving with you dear maid.... Gah! I can't remember much more of it, save that it's about a lad who sees this sweet little skirt and puts his hand on her foot, (way to low sir!) then on her knee then on her leg and then under her skirt and she makes wonderful little replies to each part he touches until, when he's under her skirt then done she says, "That'll be two fifty please.... with gratuity." (well at least that's how it goes in the Naughty Nymph's version that I have)
Charity Sweetlove replied to Katey O'Tierney's topic in Scuttlebutt
Happy Birthday, happy happy birthday Happy happy happy birthday! and a mug of Grog to grow on! *smooch!* -
it's based off of a joke that I heard many many moons ago and it became the ship's motto: Burn, Pillage, Plunder.... We're romantic that way I think the joke was how to tell what kind of a pirate you are. In which order would you do the following? Burn, Pillage, Plunder or Plunder, pillage, burn? if you chose the first one you were romantic because you were pillaging by fire light. if you chose the second then you were practical.
oh! The Pirate's Alphabet! There's not to many letters in the pirate's Alphabet but here goes with what I remember. We all know the Pirate's favorite letter. it's RRrrrrr Their least favorite is Tea *takes a sip of it then sprays it out* T? are ye trying to kill me? Then there's the last and final letter in the pirate's alphabet, and most aptly chosen for it's the last sound a pirate makes as they're run though by a cutlas and that's OooooOooooo *curtsies* *then wanders off to scrub herself clean* *hums* the captain's daughter Maybell We laid her on the table and $*@*ed and $*@*ed and $*@*ed fliped her over, strapped her down, $*@*ed her again IN THINE EYE WENCH! *pauses* *blinks* *resumes song* As oft as we were able.
Dearest Dorian, Well I do think that Charity would sing the lustier of the verses, but Brenna would have the better voice. As far as I can see the chorus is different between the two songs, little else. So iffn' you know the tune for one you know the tune for the other. But without further ado here are all the collected verses I could find of Friggin in the Riggin, with some verses of The Good Ship Venus mixed in. Cho: Frigging in the rigging Frigging in the Rigging We're Frigging in the Rigging 'cos there's nothing else to do! (Or if you prefer the Good Ship Venus) Aboard the Good Ship Venus You really should have seen us The figure head was a whore in bed Astride a rampent penis! It was at the China Station by way of celebration we sunk a junk with jets of spunk by mutual masturbation. We sailed to the Canaries to screw the local faeries; we got the Syph in Tenerife and the clap in Buenos Aires. We sailed to the Bahamas where the girls all wear pajamas; They wouldn't screw our motley crew- they much preferred bananas. The Captains' name was Mugger A dirty-minded bugger; he wasn't fit to shovel shit from one deck to the other. The first mate's name was Morgan, By god he was a Gorgon; Six girls could ride with legs astride upon his sexual organ. The second mate's name was Abel; His arsehole bore this label: I'll give the crew their daily dew Though I'm no Betty Grable. (takes a breath, then types more) The third mate's name was Walter At love he'd never falter. The bloody stiff had given Syph to all the girls in Malta. The stoker was McGuire, he really was a trier for though on shore he kept a whore, on board he pulled his wire. The steward's name was Topper; Boy did he have a whopper! Twice round the deck, once round his neck and up his arse for a stopper! The Bosuns' name was Andy, a bastard bald and randy; They filled his bum with boiling rum for pissing in the brandy. Butthe bosuns' plan was prosperous He dipped his cock in phosphorous; All through the night it kept alight to guide us through the Bosporous. The pursers name was Lester; He was a hymen tester; Through hymens thick he'd shove his prick and leave it there to fester. That purser came from Wigan by god he had a big'un! We bashed his cock with a lump of rock for Friggin in the Riggin! The fireman was McTavish and young girls did he ravish; his missing tool's in Istanbul, he was a trifle lavish. The carpenter Caruthers, Beloved of all the others; He wasn't quite a hermaphrodite, but a mistake of his mother's. The engineer McPhearson to snatch had an aversion, so he stuck his cockup a water-cock, a peculiar perversion! The musician's name was Carter he tuned his arse as a farter. He could play anything from "God Save The King" to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. The cook's name was O'Malley, he didn't dilly-dally; He shot his bold with such a jolt he whitewashed half the galley. The cook's offsider Riemann, he was a filthy demon; he served the crew with a filthy brew of foreskins boiled in semen. A third cook's name was Aiken; Each morning he'd awaken to scrape the spunk from off his bunk to fry the skipper's bacon. The trainee cook was Wooden by Christ he was a good'un He toosed off twice in a bag of rice and called it sago puddin' The radio operator he was a masturbator; to get a jolt he'd shoot his bolt acrossthe oscillator. A stowaway named Tupper We rubbed his balls with butter; The charge whizzed past the mizzen mast and foamed against the scupper. The stewardess was Dinah. She sprang a leak off China We had to pump poor Dinah's rum to empty her vagina. The cabin-boy's name was Nipper A dirty little flipper; he filled his ass with broken glass and circumcised the skipper. The ladies of the nation arose in indignation and stuffed his bum with chewing gum a smart retaliation! The captain's was was mabel, Always willing and able Behind the door or on the floor or on the chart room table. The captain had a daughter, She fell into the water; ecstatic squeals revealed that eels had found her sexual quarter. When we put into Calais The captain's daughter Sally Dressed as a whore and rushed ashore and won the Grand Prix Rally. Another daughter Charlotte she was a filthy harlot. Her thighs at night were lilly-white but by morning they were scarlet. The ship's dog's name was Rover, the whole crew did him over they ground and ground that faithful hound from Land's end round to Dover. The ship's cat's name was Kitty, her arse was black and shitty; her feline twat was kept red hot by a crew who knew no pity. When we reached our destination through careful navigation the ship was sunk in a wave of spunk from mutual masterbation! *falls over* *eyes the lyrics* bugger, I know I'm forgetting some too. the song's kind of like "Roll your Leg over" where more and more verses keep getting made as one puts together more rhymes.
I have the lyrics to Friggin in the Riggin and also the sister song to it which is called "The Good Ship Venus" but they're really amazingly bad. (which is probably why I adore 'em) The Poxy Boggards sing a version of the Good ship Venus. *thinks* I think Anthrax did a cover of Friggin in the Riggin.
Redhand: *pokes at this internet thingy* Mrr... er I mean Arrrrrrgh! *tries to kick it* bah well the main web site is http://www.nenethomas.com/ and the title of the piece is called Corsair. from the main page go to "Gallery" then to limited & Open edition prints, it's located about half way down the page. *peeks through the merchendice page* *faints* *quivers* mermaids....*gets very much distacted with that train of thought*
Redhand: ooh. and a 'appy early birthy type day for ya. *searches around for me pirate shot glass and fills it all the way to the top* Slainte! Ms. Cptn Weaver: *perks up at the word cabin boys* *is reminded of the most horrible movie by that name* *arches an eyebrow and then grins* so then would we have at the end of the night a few cabin men? And on the Pirate Art thread.... There's an artist named NeNe Thomas who has a most wonderful print called "Cossair" if you like a swashbuckling pirate type with a hint of fantasy I'd recommend it. She's got fire lizards. though I hear that iffn' you go to the clinic you can get rid of that.
Those of you ported in So. Calif.
Charity Sweetlove replied to Rumrunner-of-the-SpanishMain's topic in Event Discussions
Any other folks going to be hitting the faire come the first three weeks of June? Good dates for any folks? hell at this point in time I'm taking any dates, but that's a totally different story. ~Have rum, will travel -
So, there's this pirate hanging in a cage at the docks of a sea side town. He's been there for a few days, parched, hungry, to cramped to sleep and exposed for the winds and sun and birds to abuse. A former member of his crew wanders by and seeing him the pirate calls out to him. "Thomas. Thomas, come here Thomas." Well Thomas, hearing his friend's voice calling from above looks for him and spies him in the cage. "Neptune's Beard man, what happened to you?" "Thomas, can you help me?" The pirate rasps. Thinking that he might be looking for a spot of rum or maybe a way out of the blasted cage Thomas steps closer. "What can I do for you? How can I help?" "Thomas." The pirate coughs, his breath rattling in his lungs. "I forgot the safety word."
Redhand, *thinks about that quote on a t-shirt* *grins* Why, that'd be just fine. *eyes the preening Brenna alter ego*
Pirates, Ghosts. sounds like a great combination. That and you've given just enough of a teaser... *wonders* Hmm... Having never really thought about pirate ghost stories I wonder what's out there. I mean, I know about the Queen Mary in Long Beach, and the Star of India in San Diego is supposed to be huanted. I think that there's supposed to be some pirate hauntings in New Orleans. *scampers off to see what I can dig up* *huggles* Pirates and ghosts. *dances*
*ears perk up at the mention of Batman/pirate alt universe* *drools* *prepares to hit my local comic book dealer and search for booty* *then paws through my pics and what not* *thinks* hmm.. found a scrimshaw kit. oh, and there was a comic book out there called Jenny Finn(I think that was the title) It was a call of Cthulu type book, but I thought it was neat 'cuz well of Cthulu, but also because the story took place in a small sea side fishing town. There was a salt old Captain, the hero was a young sailor. The pictures kind of had that scrimshaw feel to it, well with something that had gone terribly wrong. The moral of the story was something like: if you cut open an UGLY looking fish and there's a nekkid 16 year old girl in there, even if you have been out to sea for 9 months, it's just not worth it. oh, and there's Disney's comic books, occasionally you find Captain Hook in there. Oh! Tangent, but there's the Disney Villian Dolls...*purrs* Captain Hook. he's so sezzy!
Amazon has become one of my most favorite places to browse for ideas. While poking about there I found the following books: What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?: Unexpurgated Sea Chanties by Douglas Morgan Paperback: 128 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.38 x 8.12 x 5.24 Publisher: Swordsmith Productions; (May 2002) ISBN: 1931013098 Now, me beloved maker of Cobbler called Cookie, has this book and did allow me to browse through it. Granted some of the songs are in no way fitting the proper time frame, none of them you'd ever want to sing around kids, but oooh! The words and melody's are there, along with explinations of the 'hidden' and oft time not so hidden meanings. Iffn' you've time to search it out at the library there's also: The music of the waters; a collection of the sailors' chanties, or working songs of the sea, of all maritime nations. Boatmen's, fishermen's, and rowing songs, and water legends by Laura Alexandrine Smith Publisher: Milford House; ASIN: 0878210210 Shanties from the Seven Seas by Stan Hugill Paperback: 428 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.50 x 9.00 x 6.00 Publisher: Mystic Seaport Museum Pubns; (December 1994) ISBN: 0913372706 this book came highly reccomended. I'll be able to say more about it after I get my copy in the next few weeks. But there's over 400 songs, variations and music included. *dances the happy dance*
going back to pirate comics. I remember reading a Witchblade comic where they were showing the various owners of the Blade. One of the story arches involved a female pirate captain getting a hold of the Blade. It was a standard form story, with the woman trying to find the treasure before some other guys did, and it was told from her perspective. Total fluff, but being a Witchblade fan and also being a pirate fan I was quite happy with it.
I was recently introduced to a band called "The Poxy Boggards" their web address is www.poxyboggards.com What I like about them is that it's a 9 (sometimes more) man singing group, they harmonize well and they make even the dirtiest of songs sound pretty. I've two of their albums at the moment (Barley Legal and Lager than Life) and have noticed that despite me playing those two albums over and over again I haven't gotten tired of them. Oh the Lager than Life albu are some good piraty songs like: The Cock and Bulls Tavern (which is an original piece by the Boggards) as well as the traditional songs of: Rolling Down to Old Mauri, Jamaica, Bang Away Lulu and Aboard the Good Ship Venus. There's alo a amazingly well rendition of the Mingulay Boat Song. At any rate, these guys are great and have songs that are a good mixture of fun toe tapping beer drinking goodness.
Katie and Capt, Love is the most precious treasure, congratulaions to you both.
What has 6 eyes and 6 legs? 6 pirates! What kind of movies to pirates like to watch? the ones rated Arrrgh!
I was wondering if any one had some recommendations for either good pictures to inspire garb, or knew of some very good patterns. I had picked up some Simplicity patterns (their colonial costume patterns) and with a bit of altering I found that they worked ok, but I was wondering if there were any other suggestions?
*purrs* I found some nice music by a group called "Father and sons" it's mostly colonial feeling music but there are some great tunes on the CD. There's an album I'd reccomend called "Adrift on the Tide" http://www.jastown.com/music/mu-649.htm There's also a filk/folk singer out there called Michael Longcor. Now, he sings a bit of everything, and he's got a few tunes out there that are very SCA popular, but really he's got a bit of everything for every one. Currently me favorite album of his is Lovers, Heroes & Rogues (really with a title like that how could you go wrong?) but off that album the songs that involve pirates, smugglers and privateers are: Privateer • A Smuggler's Song • Pirates in England • The Bold Marauder. The musical arrangement is great, Michael's got a wonderful voice and ooh he has fun singing and that makes it all that more enjoyable. oh, and one song that I really do enjoy that isn't really about pirates but does have a sailor in it and a mermaid is Meg Davis's "Captain Jack and the Mermaid" Meg Davis has a voice that is, simply, amazing.
There's also the wrap around shirts that might fit the bill. I've found them a few times at renaissance faires. They're kinda expensive, (Southern Faire in Ca sells them for about $60 *faint!*) and made of guaze, but they're really easy to make. And, iffn' you've the problem where the shirt wants to open up all the way down to yer belly button you can always add a tie half way down the shirt for modesty. There's also patterns that can be found; I tend to find them at Alter Years or even at the fabric store. Some Simplicity patterns can be altered just a bit and make some of the most comfy shirts. There's also Pendragoncostumes.com *purrs* they're Texas based and have garb that's a dream!