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About XanderGrey

  • Birthday 03/07/1969

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    All kinds of things ... mainly vintage poster collecting, weimaraner dogs and all things sci-fi.
  1. A couple of new items have been added for your perusal. http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...5&since=-1&rd=1
  2. I think that everyone is forgetting about The Mark of Zorro with Tyrone Power and Basil Rathbone. The end fencing scene with Ty and Basil is the only fencing scene in movie history what was filmed without one step being choreographed. They set up the cameras and said "go to it boys". Tyrone Power was the only "swashbuckler" (besides Basil) that could actually fence. Ty's mother was a Master and taught her son well. Basil Rathbone is on record for saying that he was scared to death to fence with Errol Flynn because everytime he did so, he took his life in his hands. Watch The Mark of Zorro. The only thing choreographed was where Basil had to be when Ty "killed" him. Amazing scene...and the sweat stains under the arms are real
  3. For all of your pirate celebrations I have just added a new line of etched glassware and barware. Please check out ebay listings for Cardytwinz@aol.com to find new items being listed with Piratical themes. Perhaps you have your own Jolly Roger that you'd like on a mug or mirror or dinner plate or wine glass....or anything! Check out my stuff either at ebay link: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...5&since=-1&rd=1 or go to my website to take a look at what I have to offer: http://hometown.aol.com/displayit7
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